Monday, October 31, 2016

Tuesday Flex Time

Assembly for Grades 9 and 10 in the Theater.

SWC Activities for Grades 11 and 12 in different locations.

from Finalsite Academy News

Daily Schedule (November 1)

Today is Day F -2

from Finalsite Academy News

MS STUCO Meeting

There is no MS STUCO meeting today as Mr Fidler will be on a field trip with 8-1. The meeting will be held on Thursday.


from Finalsite Academy News

Field Trip of Neo Native 3 and FA Neo Native 4

Neo Native 3 and FA Neo Native 4 students, don't forget we have the field trip today.


If you are with Ms Shan (Shan laoshi), meet in her classroom first. If you are with Mr Jiang (Jiang laoshi), meet at the main entrance.


We will set off right after morning mentoring!


from Finalsite Academy News

8-1 Field Trip Today

As mentioned last week, all of the 8-1 class will be away from school today on a field trip. Classes 8-2 and 8-3 will be away tomorrow and 8-4 and 8-5 will be away on Thursday

from Finalsite Academy News

Attention Mathletes

We will meet at lunch in the FA space to practice for the upcoming school competition. Will you make the team to travel to Hong Kong in February?!

Will you be invited to join the Advanced Mathletes ASA?

from Finalsite Academy News

ISB Accreditation Visit

As you may be aware, ISB works with outside agencies to obtain Accreditation.  Basically, these agencies have created indicators which exemplify school quality and they judge schools against these indicators.  If they judge you to be proficient, you then obtain Accreditation, which helps families to know that they are enrolling in a wonderful school when they choose to attend ISB.  If you want to know more about this process, you can read about it on Dragons Gate (
As part of this process, we will have a team of 16 people visit ISB from November 4th - 11th to renew our school's accreditation.  These visitors will be reading the reports that have been created by our school committees and conducting interviews with various community members.  You may also see these visitors in your classrooms throughout the week at various times.  Please feel free to say hello throughout the week, and help to make our visiting team feel welcome while they are on campus.

The Visiting Team will have their office space in rooms 1226, 1227 and 1228 in the MS/HS Library while they are on campus.  Please note that these rooms will not be available for student use from Thursday, November 3rd to Friday, November 11th.
Thank you very much for your support of the Accreditation Process at ISB!

from Finalsite Academy News

ISB Accreditation Visit

As you may be aware, ISB works with outside agencies to obtain Accreditation.  Basically, these agencies have created indicators which exemplify school quality and they judge schools against these indicators.  If they judge you to be proficient, you then obtain Accreditation, which helps families to know that they are enrolling in a wonderful school when they choose to attend ISB.  If you want to know more about this process, you can read about it on Dragons Gate (


As part of this process, we will have a team of 16 people visit ISB from November 4th - 11th to renew our school's accreditation.  These visitors will be reading the reports that have been created by our school committees and conducting interviews with various community members.  You may also see these visitors in your classrooms throughout the week at various times.  Please feel free to say hello throughout the week, and help to make our visiting team feel welcome while they are on campus.


The Visiting Team will have their office space in rooms 1226, 1227 and 1228 in the MS/HS Library while they are on campus.  Please note that these rooms will not be available for student use from Thursday, November 3rd to Friday, November 11th.


Thank you very much for your support of the Accreditation Process at ISB!

from Finalsite Academy News

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Lemonade Mile

Saturday, November 5th

10:00 am - 4:00 pm

Come and support a good cause. See the ISB Calendar for more information. 

from Finalsite Academy News

Through their eyes

Create a video that helps us empathize with a person or a group in our community

Identify a unique perspective

Make a 60-90 second video highlighting someone’s involvement in our community

Must get permission


1.Original View – opens our eyes

2.Compelling – tells a story

Submissions to by November 7 via email

Best 3-5 videos will be shown November 8th


from Finalsite Academy News

Calling all Mathletes

Bring your lunch on Tuesday and join us in the FA for another prep session for the School Competition!

from Finalsite Academy News

Daily Schedule (October 31)

Today is Day E - 2

from Finalsite Academy News


Please refer to the attached poster and pre-order form. Place your orders soon and help support this worthy cause.

Please contact Mr. López in 3406 for questions.

Click here to see the pre-sale form

Click here to see the flyer


from Finalsite Academy News

5th Block this week

This Wednesday at 2:30, the grade 11 students have Math HL or SEHS HL and grade 12 students have Math HL 

from Finalsite Academy News


Good Morning Middle School!


 Futures Public Radio is a new student initiative in Futures Academy.  We are a group that is going to be posting podcasts, audio interviews, videos, short documentaries, culture, reviews, poetry, sports highlights, dance and theatre reviews, etc. on our website.   We are still in the stage of setting up our site but first we need your help to create some new pieces to put on our site . 


Have you heard of Bryn Barnard, our visiting author?  Have you ever wondered what it's like to be a professional published author?  Have you ever wondered what it really takes to to write an acclaimed novel?  WE WANT YOUR QUESTIONS to ask by Barnard himself in our interview. 


From Mon- Fri we have a 'questions box' set up in the MS/HS cafeteria and we invite you to add your questions and your name into the box so that we may hopefully ask your questions in our interview.


Please drop a question and your name in our "Questions for Bryn Barnard" box and support FPR in involving our ISB community's questions in our first interview series.  

Have a great day!



from Finalsite Academy News

Mandelbrot Mathematics Club

The Mandelbrot Mathematics club is moving it’s math meeting to Mondays!  Monday meetings means that many more math admirers might make it more often.  Our next Individual contest is Monday, November 7 and our next Team contest is Wednesday, November 23.  We will still meet in 1108 and newcomers are most welcome.  See Mr. McRoberts or Ms Sostak for more m-formation.

from Finalsite Academy News

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Tesla Solar Panels Coming to Phoenix?

Tesla Solar Panels were recently shown at a launch party in Los Angeles where Elon Musk discussed what could be the future of solar roof tiles.

Unlike normal solar panels, these new solar roof tiles look great on your home! Four styles are listed on the Tesla web site as samples of what could be introduced to the marketplace as early as next Summer.

Tesla Roof Tiles

Tesla Solar Panels

The four types of solar tiles currently being shown by Tesla are:

Tuscan Glass Tile
Slate Glass Tile
Textured Glass Tile
Smooth Glass Tile

I love the look of the Tesla tiles and can see them fitting well in the Phoenix marketplace. Please note; they have not singled out Phoenix as their main market. I simply mention it because this is where the Phoenix Real Estate Guy sells homes!

The sun provides more than enough energy in just one hour to supply our planet’s energy needs for an entire year. Your home can capture this free, abundant energy source through rooftop solar tiles, turning sunlight into electricity for immediate use or storage in a Powerwall battery. – Tesla Solar

Take a look at this video below. Elon Musk explains his vision for what will be the future of solar power on the rooftops of our homes. At one point, he equates the recent advancements in electric cars to where we are going with rooftop solar. He mentions the goal of having solar roofs that look better than a normal roof, generate electricity, last longer, are better insulation and have an installed cost that is less than a normal roof plus the cost of electricity.

While we are early in this game, the technology appears to be rapidly improving. At the unveiling, Musk also introduced the Tesla Powerwall 2 which can help power your home and your Tesla car / SUV in a much more environmentally friendly future.

This is sort of the integrated future. An electric car, a Powerwall and a solar roof. The key is it needs to be beautiful, affordable and seamlessly integrated.” Elon Musk

Many Questions Remain:

While everything looks awesome, it sounds like we still have a lot of moving parts that must align before we start seeing mass production of solar roof tiles here in Phoenix or anywhere else in the world.

Tesla and Solar City seem to be looking for the best way to bring production under one roof. But, there’s the elusive cost equation that must be answered, as well.

The whole, “less than a normal roof plus the cost of electricity” thing will need to be answered, for sure. For instance, how does the “cost of electricity” get factored in? Are we going to see people purchasing solar tiles or are we going to see lease agreements similar to what we have seen on many other home systems in the past?

Previously, when people have been looking to replace the roof on their homes, they never had to think much about the fiscal and environmental benefits of what these Tesla solar panels bring to the table. Peter Rive from Solar City said the solar roofs could easily have a 5% share of the new roof market in a year or two. If true, a LOT of people will be doing the math very soon.

More to come! We’ll be writing much more about this topic in the future as we’re pretty big Tesla fans here at the Phoenix Real Estate Guy. Watch for more Tesla Solar articles coming soon!



    Originally posted on Phoenix Real Estate Guy. If you are reading this anywhere but inside your RSS feed reader or your email client, the site you are on is guilty of stealing content.

    (c) Copyright Jay Thompson. All Rights Reserved.

    from The Phoenix Real Estate Guy

    Guest Post: How Can Outdoor Play Help Children Gain Vital Language Skills?

    We were recently approached by Pentagon Play about hosting a guest post.  We have written a number of posts about the importance of play and getting outside to help language development.  Pentagon Play make some beautiful children’s play equipment and also have an interesting blog.  We liked Sam’s post about adapting the playground to help children with Special Educational Needs.  Today, Sam is writing about developing language outside.  Sam writes….

    Outdoor play is more than just a spare time activity for young children. In the same way adults learn and build new skills through training, children use outdoor play to better understand the world around them. While you might not immediately see the level of development going on in their games and performances, the results are always crystal clear.

    Gruppe Kinder sitzt hintereinander auf einer Rutsche im Kindergarten

    Gruppe Kinder sitzt hintereinander auf einer Rutsche im Kindergarten

    One key skill that benefits greatly from outdoor play is speech and language. Again, this may not be obvious to everyone, but through the use of outdoor play equipment both at school and at home, children can develop their levels of socialisation and self-expression.

    The Role of Outdoor Play Equipment in Language Development

    It’s long been known that physical activity helps children find their voice. Language development is a very natural process — and one that can be easily encouraged by the introduction of outdoor play. Children aren’t inhibited by volume or the pressure of talking in front of their peers. Instead, they are able to let off steam and express their opinion in a fun, non-intimidating setting.

    Through the use of creative play equipment, they can also bring their thoughts and ideas to life. A child’s imagination is a fantastic tool for exploring and expressing new vocabulary.  Role playing games, which allow children to identify with different characters and voices, enables them to understand how others use and manipulate language, and how it is different to their own.

    But, even more simply than this, outdoor play equipment opens a child’s mind to the link between words and physical objects or actions. Word association is integral to the language learning process and simple outdoor games can reinforce vocabulary through the use of actions.


    Encouraging Linguistic and Social Skills Outdoors

    Of course, children need a basis to start from, which is why the playground is such a great place to teach speech and language skills. Both the visual stimulation of the outdoors and the opportunity to talk and discuss ideas with other children helps them learn the fundamentals of conversation, as well as when and where it is appropriate to say certain things.

    Parents and teachers can encourage the development of language by providing children with new and varied learning opportunities. Ideally, these activities should involve open-ended outdoor playground equipment, which gives children the chance to express and explain themselves through play.

    Creating stories and acting them out can be a particularly stimulating task, especially for those who struggle to sit and talk in complex sentences. In this way, an outdoor climbing frame can become a pirate ship and a trim trail can become the pathway to lost ruins. Once children are provided with a setting, they can begin exploring it through the use of questions and problem-solving. To speed things along, you can describe actions they might want to try, such as galloping, jumping, running, and stretching.

    These concepts can then be integrated into other areas of outdoor play. The idea is to introduce new words and ways of communicating with each activity, so games like ‘What’s the time, Mr.Wolf?’ and ‘ Simon Says’, which are primarily action-based, can help children expand their vocabulary invaluably.

    The more children are exposed to outdoor play, the more opportunities they will have for natural, stimulating conversation. Outdoor play equipment enables children to express sentiment as well as sentences — something that plays a big part in social development. While it isn’t feasible to learn outdoors all year round, taking the chance to connect children with the abundant wonder of the outside world can be critical to their ability to talk about it”.

    Author Bio: Sam Flatman is an outdoor learning specialist and an Educational Consultant for school playground equipment providers Pentagon Play. Sam has been designing playgrounds for the past ten years and has a passion for outdoor education. Sam believes that outdoor learning is an essential part of child development and deserves to be a core part of any school curriculum.


    The post Guest Post: How Can Outdoor Play Help Children Gain Vital Language Skills? appeared first on Speechbloguk.

    from Speechbloguk

    Friday, October 28, 2016

    Looking Up: How Your Small Business Can Benefit by Acting Like a Big One

    When it comes to business, one can make the argument that size is everything. As a company expands, it will undoubtedly undergo a metamorphosis that will distinguish itself from it’s freshmen class of competitors. Once this progression occurs, making comparisons … Continue reading

    The post Looking Up: How Your Small Business Can Benefit by Acting Like a Big One appeared first on Chicago Accountant.

    from Chicago Accountant

    Small Business, Big Economy: Five Tips to Stay Ahead of the Curve When Wall Street Starts Going Down

    With the never-ending ups and downs of the economy, the stereotypes of stockbrokers on Wall Street are far from surprising. While the window jumping, hair ripping, self destructive shenanigans of brokers may seem something far removed from the world of … Continue reading

    The post Small Business, Big Economy: Five Tips to Stay Ahead of the Curve When Wall Street Starts Going Down appeared first on Chicago Accountant.

    from Chicago Accountant

    Hawthorne by Pennyfarthing – An Elite Collection of 44 Luxury Cambie Condos

    Hawthorne project banner.

    At a Glance

    • 7-storey residential concrete building
    • 44 1- to 3-bedroom condominiums
    • 3 levels of underground parking
    • prime Queen Elizabeth Park location
    • minutes from Oakridge Centre shopping
    • easy access to Canada Line
    • goal of LEED gold rating

    Rendering of Hawthorne west elevation.

    Above All Else
    Pennyfarthing Homes rises to new heights on Vancouver’s West Side with the introduction of Hawthorne, an elite collection of 1- to 3-bedroom residences adjacent to Queen Elizabeth Park on Cambie Street. Hawthorne redefines modern luxury living through progressive architecture, finely crafted interiors, and exceptionally sized floor plans. Rising seven storeys, above all else, Hawthorne will be home to a limited few.

    Be A Presale Condo VIP!

    Find Out About New Presales & Get Access to VIP Openings & Special Promotions!

    • Should be Empty:

    Hawthorne’s superb Westside location provides you with convenient access to all your daily needs. Just a short walk along Cambie at Oakridge, find grocery shopping at Kin’s Farmers Market and Safeway, banks, a pharmacy, post office, public library, telecom providers, medical centre, cafes, restaurants, Hudson’s Bay department store, home decor stores, travel agencies, boutique shopping, and specialty shops. For your recreational needs, there’s skating, swimming, and a gym at Hillcrest Community Centre. Steps away at Queen Elizabeth Park, enjoy a stroll through its lush gardens, exercise your pet at the dog park, play a game of tennis, or hit the links for a round of golf. At Hawthorne, live the high life.

    Pricing for Hawthorne
    As this project is in pre-construction, Pennyfarthing has not yet released pricing information. However, given the success of Pennyfarthing’s other Cambie Corridor projects, we expect Hawthorne will sell out quickly. Don’t miss out! Sign up to our VIP list above.

    Floor Plans for Hawthorne
    Final floor plans have not yet been made public. Nevertheless, we know there will be a family-friendly mix of 11 1-bedroom, 21 2-bedroom, and 12 3-bedroom homes. Ground floor residences will all have private patios and the three top floor homes have private rooftop decks. Average home sizes range from 680 to 1,433 sq ft.

    Amenities at Hawthorne
    Residents will have shared use of a ground floor amenity room with a patio, small kitchen, and washroom. There will also be a shared rooftop deck.

    Parking and Storage
    Hawthorne will offer three levels of underground parking accessed from the lane. There will be 51 vehicle spaces with two handicapped spots and space for 61 bicycles with 11 lockers and 12 vertical stalls. Thirty-four homes will have in-suite storage, while 13 will have in-room storage.

    Maintenance Fees at Hawthorne
    Will be released with pricing information.

    Developer Team for Hawthorne
    Since its formation in 1980, Pennyfarthing Homes has fulfilled the home ownership dreams of nearly 3,000 home buyers throughout the Lower Mainland, Washington State, and California, all the while setting exacting standards of integrity, reliability and professionalism. Following on Bennington House and Grayson, this is Pennyfarthing’s third development in the Cambie Corridor.

    To design Hawthorne, Pennyfarthing has chosen Shift Architecture. Shift is a high-performance practice with a track record of respected, inspired projects throughout Vancouver and the Lower Mainland. With proven expertise in multi-family housing, Shift boasts a diverse portfolio of residential, commercial, healthcare, and mixed-use developments. Renowned for its collaborative design process, Shift’s team of core personnel draws upon a deep collective well of experience spanning decades.

    Cristina Oberti, a respected interior designer whose name is well-known in Vancouver, will be applying her extensive knowledge and systematic design process to create a unified look and coherent design for Hawthorne that conveys a unique and coherent, yet stylish message.

    Expected Completion for Hawthorne
    To be announced. Sales start in early 2017.

    Are you interested in learning more about other homes in the Cambie Corridor, Kerrisdale, or Southeast False Creek?

    Check out these great Cambie Corridor Presales!

    The post Hawthorne by Pennyfarthing – An Elite Collection of 44 Luxury Cambie Condos appeared first on Mike Stewart Real Estate Specialist 604-763-3136.

    from Blog – Mike Stewart Real Estate Specialist 604-763-3136

    Possible traffic delays this evening

    In recent days, and especially yesterday, we’ve encountered significant delays at the Exhibition Centre due to weather and an ongoing security exhibition which finishes today. For the majority of buses this is not a concern, but for buses that travel through East Shunyi and Sunhe areas please note that there is the potential for delay this afternoon and evening.

    We’ll attempt to redirect as many buses as we can away from this area, and also inform parents by telephone or SMS of any bus that is delayed by more than 30 minutes.

    Kind regards
    The Bus Office

    from Finalsite Academy News

    Thursday, October 27, 2016

    ISB Kungfu team

    On October 16th, five members of the ISB Kungfu team, on behalf of Xie’s Martial Arts (XMA) traveled to Shaolin Temple and Zhengzhou City, Henan Province, to compete in the 11th China Zhengzhou International Shaolin Wushu Festival. Collectively, we brought back 1 gold medal (Amanda Shu; Shaolin fist), 6 silver medals and 4 bronze medals.


    The participants were as follows:

    1. Amanda Shu (9)
    2. Emily Du (9)
    3. Karen Chen (9)
    4. Lawrence Xu (11)
    5. Trinette Wong (12)


    Before the tournament, we spent October Break training at Beijing Shaolin Wushu School, the biggest Wushu school in Beijing, where scenes of Karate Kid II were filmed. The link below is a short video documenting our adventures:


    from Finalsite Academy News

    Illustrating Inspiration with Bryn Barnard

    What disease causes dizziness, red spots, a black tongue, and a rapid heartbeat? The answer is "Chickaloo," according to the creative young minds in 4RB.

    from Finalsite Academy News

    Tutoring Center Promotes Personalized Learning

    Since it was founded four years ago, ISB's tutoring center has gone from strength to strength as a vibrant learning community where students help each other.

    from Finalsite Academy News

    Movember Kick-off Public Shave

    Join us in the HS cafeteria from 11:50 – 12:50pm where stylists from West Salon will be here to give FREE SHAVES to kick-off Men’s Health Awareness Month. Calling all teachers and HS boys to get rid of that fall face scruff and start your moustache fresh. Can’t grow a mo? Don’t fear! They can also provide custom head shaving! Get involved!

    11:50 – 12:50pm, Nov 1, HS Cafeteria.

    from Finalsite Academy News

    MS STUCO Hoodie Sizing

    The following students should see Mr Fidler in the MS Cafeteria at Lunchtime today, to check the sizes for their STUCO hoodie


    Jovan Steyn, Edgar Lee, Nathan Chan, Olivia Xiao, Annie Young, Maxine Lim, Rebekah Black, Minwook Lee. If any STUCO reps would like to check their size again, drop by.

    from Finalsite Academy News

    Daily Schedule (October 28)

    Today is Day D - 1

    from Finalsite Academy News

    November Market Update: What Canada’s New Mortgage Rules Mean For You

    The post November Market Update: What Canada’s New Mortgage Rules Mean For You appeared first on Invis Team RRP.

    from Invis Team RRP

    Contessa at Queen Elizabeth Park – Spacious Cambie Corridor Presale Luxury Condos

    External rendering of Contessa by GBL Architects.

    At a Glance

    • exceptional Cambie Corridor location
    • 3 laneway townhouses
    • 45 1- to 3-bedroom condominiums
    • short walk to Queen Elizabeth Park
    • upscale Oakridge Centre shopping
    • Signature BC Liquor Store
    • Hillcrest Community Centre
    • Canada Line rapid transit station

    Spacious Luxury on the Westside
    Pure West Property Investments, in partnership with GBL Architects, bring you Contessa at Queen Elizabeth Park, the latest luxury development in the hot Cambie Corridor district. With roomy condominium and townhouse residences ranging from one to three bedrooms, Contessa is ideally suited to families that appreciate the advantages and conveniences of modern urban living. Nearby schools, recreation, and shopping mean you can enjoy a healthier lifestyle from walking and cycling to meet your everyday needs.

    Be A Presale Condo VIP!

    Find Out About New Presales & Get Access to VIP Openings & Special Promotions!

    • Should be Empty:

    Situated on the corner of West 37th Avenue and Cambie Street, Contessa’s outstanding location allows you to easily enjoy the lush beauty of Queen Elizabeth Park’s manicured gardens and its numerous leisure activities, such as golf, disc golf, tennis, lawn bowling, and tai chi; or bring your children to Hillcrest Community Centre for baseball, skating, soccer, swimming, and more! Just two blocks away, take care of your grocery shopping at Kin’s Farmers Market and Safeway in Oakridge Centre, then stop off on the way home at Vancouver’s largest Signature BC Liquor Store for the perfect wine to pair with dinner. For endless shopping and dining options, the Oakridge Canada Line station is your express ticket to Vancouver city centre and downtown Richmond. At Contessa, experience the quality of life from human-centred urban design.

    Pricing for Contessa at Queen Elizabeth Park
    Pure West Property has not yet published pricing information. We recommend interested buyers sign up to our VIP list above to ensure priority notification of new developments. We expect Contessa to be very attractive with buyers due to its liveability and prime location.

    Floor Plans for Contessa at Queen Elizabeth Park
    As this project is in pre-construction, floor plans have not yet been released. However, we do know there will be three laneway townhomes with private patios, courtyard main entrances, and rooftop terraces with green privacy buffers. The six-storey mid-rise consists of 18 1-bedroom, 19 2-bedroom, and eight 3-bedroom condominiums. A variety of expansive floor plans, with or without dens, range from 608 to 1,177 sq ft. Ground floor homes each have their own private, landscaped patios, while top floor homes have individual rooftop terraces.

    Amenities at Contessa at Queen Elizabeth Park
    Contessa residents will enjoy a lushly-landscaped outdoor plaza with shaded seating and a children’s play area. At the southern end are community plots for urban agriculture that take advantage of exposure to the sun. A shared rooftop patio offers a warming fire pit with comfortable lounge seating and a communal dining area with all the necessary outdoor cooking amenities.

    Parking and Storage
    Contessa will provide residents with 51 vehicle stalls and 60 bicycle lockers in two levels of underground parking. Bicycle racks in front of the main building entrance will also be available to visitors. Each townhouse will have its own private underground parking space with direct entry into each residence. Most homes have in-suite storage; five have their own secure storage in the parkade.

    Maintenance Fees at Contessa at Queen Elizabeth Park
    Will be included with pricing information when available.

    Developer Team for Contessa at Queen Elizabeth Park
    Pure West Property Investments chose acclaimed GBL Architects to design Contessa at Queen Elizabeth Park. GBL is a progressive Vancouver-based firm of 38 architects, project managers and technicians with a 25-year reputation of providing a full range of architectural services to the private and public sector. GBL design with the belief that form plays a vital role in defining experience through an ever-changing dynamic between sculptural artistry and social responsibility. No stranger to the Cambie Corridor, GBL’s other projects in the neighbourhood include Homei Properties’ Henry at 5389 Cambie, Transca Development’s Primrose, and The Regent at 523 West King Edward.

    Expected Completion for Contessa at Queen Elizabeth Park
    To be determined.

    Are you interested in learning more about other homes in the Cambie Corridor, Mount Pleasant, or Kerrisdale?

    Check out these great Cambie Corridor Presales!

    The post Contessa at Queen Elizabeth Park – Spacious Cambie Corridor Presale Luxury Condos appeared first on Mike Stewart Real Estate Specialist 604-763-3136.

    from Blog – Mike Stewart Real Estate Specialist 604-763-3136

    Wednesday, October 26, 2016

    Madaifu Apples for Sale

    “Christmas Apples” to Support the Children of Madaifu

    November 1 - 15 (Apples ready for pick-up early December)

    1 Apple RMB 6 or 10KG for RMB 300

    Click here for pre-order form

    from Finalsite Academy News

    Daily Schedule (October 27)

    Today is Day C - 1

    from Finalsite Academy News


    Hi everyone!
    Who’s excited for some adorable succulents? Greenkeepers’s annual plant gram is back! Come by the cafeteria and check it out! We will be there for all of next week. Each plant gram will be 20 RMB and all of the money will be going towards our upcoming environmental projects.
    Thanks for your support!

    from Finalsite Academy News

    Simply solo string sign up

    Simply solo string concert 21st November online sign up is started. If you are currently participating school string orchestras enrichments and is interested to play a solo performance, please check the information and collect information required for online sign up before scanning the QR code to do online registration. There is a limit number and the deadline of doing register is Tuesday 15th Nov.

    Click here to read more.

    from Finalsite Academy News

    MSSTUCO Reps

    During Lunch today, please see Dominik or Mr Fidler in the cafeteria to check on your hoodie size.


    from Finalsite Academy News

    Tuesday, October 25, 2016

    PTA Outing: Temple of Earth

    Temple of Earth

    Friday, November 4th

    Please RSVP: (Name & contact #)

    Depart from ISB West Entrance: 8:30am

    Return to ISB West Entrance: 3:30pm

    PTA Sponsors: Bus Transport & Park Entrance Fee

    Self:  Lunch, snacks, comfy & warm gear

    from Finalsite Academy News

    3 Benefits of Microdermabrasion

    This post first appeared on Beautiful Canadian Laser & Skin Care Clinic.

    If you’re suffering from fine wrinkles, sun-damaged skin, hyperpigmentation, age spots, or acne scars, there is a great solution to your problem which doesn’t even take a lot of your time. Here are 3 reasons why you need to try microdermabrasion: Quick Convenience is one of the significant microdermabrasion benefits that make this procedure so […]

    The post 3 Benefits of Microdermabrasion appeared first on Beautiful Canadian Laser & Skin Care Clinic.

    from Beautiful Canadian Laser & Skin Care Clinic

    Fashion Workshop by SCAD

    Interested in fashion? Looking to sharpen your fashion drawing skills?  If so, a representative from SCAD (Savannah College of Art and Design) will be on campus on Thursday, Nov. 3 in room 3106 during lunch hour to give a workshop on fashion illustration. Grade 9-12 students are welcome. Experience not required. 


    If you'd like to attend, please sign up here. It is important that you sign up so we have enough materials for everyone.

    from Finalsite Academy News

    Winners for Bricks Sell

    Hello Middle School!


    So Brick Week wrapped up with a drawing last week and Ms. Cox ended up winning the Grand Prize, the Hover Board!

    However, she graciously decided to throw her prize back into the drawing and since the MS’s generosity surpassed previous year’s donation levels, we in the Habitat group decided to toss in a few extra prizes to say thank you to all of you who contributed to our fundraiser! 


    On Monday, we held an extra drawing after school during our HFH meeting and we have 19 extra winners!

    If you see your name below, please come by Ms. Patty’s room 3405 for your surprise!


    Click here to see winners

    from Finalsite Academy News

    Once Upon a Hutong Cast meeting

    Once Upon a Hutong Cast meeting on Wednesday Lunch time at 11:00-11:20 AM at Black Box. Quick meeting. Please be on time.

    from Finalsite Academy News

    Gardening Enrichment Students

    Please meet in room 2630 today during Period 4. Bring a book to read or something to work on during this time. You will have a study hall period.

    from Finalsite Academy News

    Middle School Science Cafe: Friday, November 4th 10:05-10:20 in the LMC

    Join Terry Townshend, the Beijing Birder for a discussion on how data and research is helping scientists understand the currently unknown migration route of the Beijing Cuckoos, as well as their habitat requirements and the threats they face as a species.  Terry will discuss not only the tracking technology that they use to follow Flappy McFlapperson and his friends as they journey across China, Myanmar, Bangladesh, Nepal and India, but also how that data is used to understand this mysterious bird.

    Open to all Middle School students.

    Snacks and light refreshments will be provided.  

    Students who attend the cafe will receive a late pass for their Period 2 classes. 

    from Finalsite Academy News

    Daily Schedule (October 26)

    Today is Day B - 2

    from Finalsite Academy News

    Pros and cons of being an independent therapist

    Today I’m going to tackle a slightly different sort of topic from usual, but one I often get asked about by other speech and language therapists.  What are the pros and cons of working in independent practice?


    A bit of background before I start.  Elizabeth and I both worked for the NHS for 10 years (me) or more (her).  We both set up our independent practises gradually, and did both for several years, before finally taking the plunge and becoming full-time independent therapists.  So, we have experience of doing just NHS work, just independent work and both.  We are both now self-employed and neither of us employ anyone else.  There are now quite a lot of independent practises who employ other therapists, including some pretty large ones which are as big, if not bigger than NHS departments.  Neither of us have experience of working for a larger independent practise, so I’m not going to talk about that.

    I feel like there can be misconceptions on both sides about what the other is like, so we thought we would share some of our thoughts.  Today – the pros and cons of running your own independent practise.


    • Flexibility.  I think the biggest pro is how flexible it is.  You can work as many or as few hours as you want.  I know of some independent therapists who only work one day a week, or just do Saturday mornings alongside full-time NHS work.  Elizabeth only sees children during school hours and does all her paperwork in the evenings.  There are all sorts of options.
    • Ability to say no.  You can say no to clients if you don’t feel you have the necessary experience to help them.  I am really glad that I spent 10 years working for the NHS.  I learnt so much, saw so many children, and was constantly forced to stretch myself and learn new things, because any child who lived in a particular patch was on my caseload.  However, now I have worked long enough to know what I am good at and what I am less good at.  I won’t take people’s hard-earned cash for things I don’t think I have the skills or experience in.  I will recommend someone who does.
    • Control over caseload.  You have control over your caseload.  For quite a few of my years as an NHS clinic therapist, I was the only therapist working in my clinic. The referrals were processed by admin but then sent through to me in an envelope once a week.  Some weeks, I would receive 12-14 new referrals (and I was only in the clinic 2.5 days a week!)  I learnt loads about caseload management and time management and again, I am very pleased that I had the experience.  However, it was stressful!  I know that not all clinics work that way, but it is nice to be able to choose whether to operate a waiting list or whether to just say “I’m full”.
    • Control over systems.  You have control over how everything is done.  I choose everything about how I operate – what paperwork to use, how I file, what resources and assessments I use, when I take holiday, what training I go on, how much therapy I offer, how frequently I see the children (obviously these last two are always in consultation with the family), how I keep casenotes etc.  This can be a little bit overwhelming initially, but I like to be in control so it suits me!
    • Relationships.  You get to build really strong relationships with the families you work with.  I have some children I have worked with over several years.  I have built up a great rapport with them and got to know the whole family well.  I know the child’s interests, their siblings names and interests, their family circumstances, all the teachers who have worked with them.  It really helps therapy to be effective when I know the child inside and out.
    • Range of options.  There is a huge range in what you can do.  It’s an exciting time to be an independent therapist.  I tend to work with individual children paid for by their parents.  Elizabeth has a couple of school contracts – many schools buy in therapy to supplement the NHS service.  LEAs often buy in independent therapists to work with particular children.  There is scope to offer training packages or groups.  You can make and sell resources or books.  You can undertake research. For us, we have the flexibility to build up and develop this website.  The possibilities are many and varied and the choice is entirely yours.
    • Specialism.  We both have fairly general caseloads.  However, some independent therapists are highly specialist in one particular area and independent practise offers them the opportunity to do this.

    I will admit to being a little biased.  I love working independently!  It works well for me at this point in my life.  However, there are definitely some cons you should consider too.

    • Not being paid a regular salary.  I still find this difficult.  I’m never 100% sure when people are going to pay, and I can never be 100% sure how much I will earn month to month as therapy can finish unexpectedly sometimes for a variety of reasons, or sessions get cancelled.  I pay myself a regular salary on a regular date as I find this the easiest way.
    • Similarly, there is no guarantee of work.  Most of the time, I have had plenty of work, but there are quiet patches.  I need to earn a fair bit to pay the bills so this can always be a little worrying.
    • Everything is down to you.  You need to do everything yourself.  If you are working in the NHS, it may not seem like this would be much of a change – after all, I used to do my own filing and photocopying when I was an NHS therapist too, and in one clinic I even stuck stamps on the letters and walked down to the postbox with them myself too!  However, you soon realise how much you take for granted when you work for a big organisation.  There is a lot of business-type stuff that was a steep learning curve.  I have to develop all my own policies – What happens when someone doesn’t pay?, Am I complying with Data Protection?, Is my child protection training up to date?, What will I do about a pension?, What will I do if someone is not happy?  Am I getting appropriate supervision?  These are just a few of the issues which come up.
    • Talking about money is hard.  In the NHS, we don’t have to talk about money with clients, and I found invoicing people very awkward and difficult to begin with.  It’s still definitely not my favourite bit of the job, but obviously it’s necessary!  Also, just to dispel a myth – I earn a little more than I did as an NHS therapist, but not much and that is partly due to my choice to work long hours.
    • Working alone.  It can be a bit lonely at times.  Obviously Elizabeth and I speak very frequently, and I am a part of several local groups of therapists where we discuss cases and issues, feedback from training courses etc.  There are also schools I go into frequently and I have developed good working relationships with the staff.  But it’s not the same as being part of a big team.

    This is a long post, so I will stop there.  Are you an independent therapist?  What do you love about it?  What do you find a challenge?

    The post Pros and cons of being an independent therapist appeared first on Speechbloguk.

    from Speechbloguk

    Monday, October 24, 2016

    Photos available in the HS office

    For those who have placed a photo order, please come to the HS office to collect your photos from 8:00am-4:30pm.



    from Finalsite Academy News

    MS Sports Season 2 Day 1 is Nov 1

    • MS Sports Season 2 Day 1 - pushed back to November 1st @ 15:35 in Gym 2.   Please announce this everyday next week.


    MS volleyball players, the season is almost here, please be ready with your PE gear on Tuesday November 1st for the first meeting of the year in Gym 2 followed by practice.


    Please if you have any questions, come see Mr. Cuthbert in the Activities office


    from Finalsite Academy News

    5th Block for Grade 12

    5th Block for Grade 12 cancelled this week.

    from Finalsite Academy News

    Daily Schedule (October 25)

    Today is Day A - 2

    from Finalsite Academy News

    MS STUCO Meeting

    There is an MS STUCO meeting today in Room 3302. Bring your Lunch and the meeting starts at 12:40pm

    from Finalsite Academy News

    Attention Mathletes!

    Bring your lunch and come to the FA at lunch for the next prep lesson for the schoool competition!

    from Finalsite Academy News

    Grade Humanities Field Trip

    One for the Grade 8 teacher calendar. Next week the five Grade 8 Humanities classes will be going a field trip to explore the Boxer Rebellion in Beijing. They will be away all day. The arrangements are as follows:

    Tuesday 1st November

    8-1 will be away

    Wednesday 2nd November

    8-2 and 8-3 will be away

    Thursday 3rd November

    8-4 and 8-5 will be away

    Apologies for any convenience

    Grade 8 Humanities Team

    from Finalsite Academy News

    Message to 6-3

    HR6-3 Please bring your laptops to PE class on Wednesday (26Oct2016). Thank you!

    from Finalsite Academy News

    Should you stress about the new mortgage stress tests? What you should know about new mortgage rules.

    The post Should you stress about the new mortgage stress tests? What you should know about new mortgage rules. appeared first on Invis Team RRP.

    from Invis Team RRP

    Ni truco, ni trato: ¡DESCUENTAZO y SORTEO!

    Sunday, October 23, 2016

    Student Wellness Council Flex Time Announcement

    A reminder for all the upperclassmen. The Student Wellness Council is holding upperclassmen flex time activities on November 1st (Tuesday). Normally you would go to mentoring but for this flex time you will participating in a fun but healthy activity of your choice. Take note that these activities are MANDATORY and that attendance will be taken. 

    You should have already signed up but I am guessing some of you haven't so PLEASE sign up ASAP or you will be put in an activity by us. Sign up for your top 2 choices on this link:


    from Finalsite Academy News

    Daily Schedule (October 24)

    Today is Day F - 1

    from Finalsite Academy News

    5th Block this week

    This Wednesday at 2:30, the grade 11 students have Chemistry and grade 12 students have English L&L 

    from Finalsite Academy News

    Fill the Room

    Hello friends! We here at Roots and Shoots understand how hectic high school can get for you students as your schedules become FILLED with deadlines and due dates, your backpacks get FILLED with homework and notes, and your days FILLED with stress and responsibilities. Amidst all this business of in our student lives however, it’s easy to take for granted our amazing access to the best education and facilities at ISB. Along with this, it’s quite easy to forget that there are many less privileged adolescents who aren’t so lucky to share this privilege. In order to raise funds to help the students at the Love and Hope center afford basic school supplies and heating during the winter months, Roots and Shoots will be holding our first ever Fill the Room fundraiser during lunchtime this week from October 24th to October 28th.
    We are also offering raffle tickets to those who support the cause, with prizes ranging from an iPad Air to Minion Tic Tacs. 
    Please take the time to show your support for this meaningful cause by participating in Fill the Room!

    from Finalsite Academy News

    Saturday, October 22, 2016

    PTA Meeting

    Tuesday - November 1, 2016
    12:30 - 1:30pm
    Room 1218

    Come along and join our PTA Meeting!

    from Finalsite Academy News

    Thursday, October 20, 2016

    1,001 Nights (and a Matinee)

    ISB high school theater teacher Tom Rosevear takes us behind the scenes of "1,001 Nights (and a Matinee)."

    from Finalsite Academy News

    Vidigami has been launched!!

    For further information on how to log in and see the latest photos at ISB, click here.

    from Finalsite Academy News

    Futures Academy Space Race Lifts Off

    It was one small step for students, one giant leap for innovation.

    from Finalsite Academy News

    Wednesday, October 19, 2016

    ACT Test Instruction

    ACT Test is Saturday Oct. 22nd, 2016.

    • START TIME: Arrive promptly at 7:45 am
    • PLACE: Upper Gallery
    • END TIME: Testing will be done around 12:00 (No Writing) and 12:30 (Writing)


    Please Bring the Following:

    • Admission Ticket (ACT Emailed this to you, you will not be admitted to the Exam without the admission Ticket.)
    • School ID Card or Passport
    • Social Security number (if you have one)
    • Address (where you want test results sent)
    • #2 or HB type pencils (no mechanical pencils)
    • Eraser
    • Calculator with batteries
    • Water Bottle
    • Snack, if needed

    from Finalsite Academy News

    Accreditation Team Community Forum

    An accreditation team will be visiting ISB from November 7 to 11 to observe the school and complete their report. A lot of hard work has gone into preparing for this accreditation by various members of the ISB community, and we are grateful for everyone’s input. If you are interested in hearing from the accreditation team, they will be providing a summary of their observations in the Upper Gallery at 12:20 pm on Friday, November 11. This summary will highlight their thoughts, and will be an opportunity to get some insight into the findings, prior to receiving the completed report in a few months’ time. All parents are welcome to join.

    from Finalsite Academy News

    Found item

    Found lunch bag, come to MS office and check.

    from Finalsite Academy News

    MS sport teams photo day

    To all MS athletes who were on sport teams this past season,  (VERY IMPORTANT DAY)

    We will have “MS sport teams photo day" next Tuesday 25th in Gym #2 right after school.  Uniforms will be in the gym for you to change into.  Mr. Fidler will be there with Mr Cuthbert to help organnize each team.  


    The order of teams to have photos done.


    U12 Girls Soccer

    U12 Boys Soccer

    U13 Girls Soccer

    U13 Boys Soccer

    U14 Girls Soccer

    U14 Boys Soccer

    MS Baseball Team

    Ms Badminton team


    from Finalsite Academy News

    Anti-Aging Products for Your Skin Type

    This post first appeared on Beautiful Canadian Laser & Skin Care Clinic.

    Confused about which anti-aging products to use based on your skin type?  Different skin types need different types of product.  Here are some tips for choosing the anti-aging product that will be best for your particular skin type: Oily Skin For oily skin, pick something light that’s water-based. You should look for one that’s noncomedogenic […]

    The post Anti-Aging Products for Your Skin Type appeared first on Beautiful Canadian Laser & Skin Care Clinic.

    from Beautiful Canadian Laser & Skin Care Clinic

    kriesi test

    The post kriesi test appeared first on Invis Team RRP.

    from Invis Team RRP

    Tuesday, October 18, 2016

    HS Season 2 Sports

    SEASON 2 gets underway on Wednesday, October 26th. If you are interested in playing basketball, table tennis, or trying out for the swim team, you should be in Gym 2 on Wednesday at 15:45 for some initial season information. Tryouts will then commence after the meeting from 16:15.


    from Finalsite Academy News

    AQI:210 Level 3

    ES Indoors
    MS/HS recesses, ASA’s and Sports only with modification.

    from Finalsite Academy News

    Daily Schedule (October 19)

    Today is Day E - 1

    from Finalsite Academy News

    Found item

    Found cellphone. Please check at MS office.

    from Finalsite Academy News

    My frustration with the EHCP process

    Urgh!  I have spent quite a few hours this weekend writing reports to be submitted as part of the EHCP process.  I know this is a relatively new system, but I have been writing this type of report for over a decade now.  I do know what I am doing! So why did I find it so frustrating?


    Well I suppose some of my frustration was because I was writing them on a Saturday night – however that is down to my time management and working around family commitments!  I work across 3 different counties.  So far, each county wants my reports laid out differently, with slightly different information in.  If it doesn’t fit their format, they might not consider my report.  Only one of these counties bothers to ask me directly for information.  For the others, parents have to submit my report as additional information and I have to chase to find out the submission date.  Then in one county, I have basically been told that even if my report is submitted, it probably won’t be read or considered as I am an Independent Therapist.

    That one makes me mad!  What am I going to write as an “Independent Therapist” that is so bad? Why is my professional opinion rated lower, just because a school or parent is paying for my input?  I am still professionally bound.  In fact my information will truly state what a child needs and is not influenced by which budget it will have to come out off. ( I think that is the bit that causes problems!)

    I make sure I have spoken with the parents and nursery/ school staff.  I have assessed, observed and treated the child.  I finally got the layouts and information in the correct order.  I have submitted my report, in duplicate to the correct department. Yet I still run the risk of my report being discounted.

    One of the other issues with the new EHCP system, is that it is much harder to predict which children will be accepted for assessment and which children won’t.  Again there is a big variation across counties.  I felt that I knew where I stood with statements and could relatively confidently work out which children would be assessed.  However now, children I really didn’t think would be put forward, have been and others that so obviously need help have been turned down.  Hopefully these issues will be resolved as each county works out the new processes.

    Now, I do want to point out that I’m not frustrated with the case officers!  I think they have a very difficult job and certainly not one I would want to do.  My frustrations are with the bigger system.

    My frustration isn’t just now that I am an independent therapist.  There were just as many frustrations when I worked for the NHS.  For example, statutory assessment notifications not being sent through or you received them 2 days before the deadline.  Knowing that my report was submitted, but then being told it wasn’t received.  Information from another professional who observed the child once being considered more valuable than your information from working weekly with the same child.  The list goes on.

    I can only guess at how confusing these systems are for parents trying to navigate them, especially if it is for the first time.  Just remember that the many of the professionals working within them are just as confused and frustrated by the outcomes.  I know, from personal experience, that the best outcomes are received when everyone works together.  So lets try and help each other through it! Rant over….

    The post My frustration with the EHCP process appeared first on Speechbloguk.

    from Speechbloguk

    Swimming Tryout

    Any swimmer who is interested swimming in the high school swimming season / Varsity Team, please fill in the form (click here) and return to the swimming pool mailbox or office by Tuesday the 25th of October. There are also hard copies of this entry form outside the swimming pool entrance above the mailbox. High School try-outs will take place on Wednesday the 26th, Friday the 28th and Monday the 31st of October. If any interested swimmers have questions regarding high school season, please send an e-mail to or enquire at the pool. We are looking forward to the season ahead! Go Dragons!

    from Finalsite Academy News

    Monday, October 17, 2016

    Duke of Edinburgh (DofE) Award program

    Dear HS Students,

    DO you want to be part of an internationally recognised program and join the thousands of other participants in a fantastic program? It assists you to become a well-rounded student and person, provide support for a number of the extra-curricular aspects of school (CAS, Service, etc) and is recognised in many parts of the world by many organisations. If this interests you, then complete an application for the Duke of Edinburgh (DofE) Award program and be part of something special. 

    You have one week to apply for this program. Please submit completed applications ONLY in paper form to the HS Office to the appropriate basket!


    Thank you and see you in the DofE program!


    The DofE Award Leader


    Bronze Application Form

    Silver Application Form

    Gold Application Form








    from Finalsite Academy News

    Operation Wallacea

    Attention ALL future OpWall participants,

    Have you ever wondered how you can have so much fun when school finishes in June and do something so interesting that it’s unbelievable? Well, you don’t have to wait or wonder any longer for your chance to experience that amazement. Come and find out more information about Operation Wallacea (OpWall) trip for this year to Tanzania/Malawi (The Great Rift Valley) for HS students (turning 16 years old by July 2017) to participate in!! Bring your interest and ask questions to an OpWall representative and find out more about the program and the general questions surrounding the trip.

    There will be a mandatory introductory meeting on Monday the 24th of October @ 3:45pm in room 1109. If you want to find out more about the trip, but are unable to attend next Monday please contact Mr. Smyth – for more information. See you all there!!

    Click here for more information. 

    Thank you,

    Mr. Smyth and Ms. Wise

    from Finalsite Academy News