Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Changes To Deductions, Brackets, and Exemptions That May Affect You This Coming Tax Season

Being one of Chicago’s top sources for tax advice is something that isn’t easy. With a new government in place, constantly shifting rates, and a number of other obstacles, our dedicated CPAs work hard to ensure that all of our … Continue reading

The post Changes To Deductions, Brackets, and Exemptions That May Affect You This Coming Tax Season appeared first on Chicago Accountant.

from Chicago Accountant http://ift.tt/2jSvIy7

Monday, January 30, 2017

Supporting children with unclear speech training

Helen and I have been very busy creating our first online training course and it is very nearly finished!  We are really pleased with it.  From our work with nursery/ school staff and parents we know there are many people out there who are looking for training, especially to help children with unclear speech.  We decided to make the course online so it can be accessed anywhere, anytime.

So, let us tell you a little more about it.

Will “Supporting children with unclear speech” help my child?

The course aims to help children who are:-

  • Aged 3 years or older
  • Have difficulty with saying speech sounds clearly
  • Are able to understand language at an age appropriate level
  • Are using sentences to talk.

This course will help you support your child.  However, it does not replace assessment by a speech and language therapist.

Will “Supporting children with unclear speech” help me?

This course is aimed at parents, TA’s and SENCO’s who are working with one or more children with unclear speech.  This course is for you if:-

  • You work with at least one child who has speech sound difficulties.
  • You want to know more about typical speech development and when to be concerned.
  • You want to learn how to teach a child a new sound.
  • You want more ideas of games and activities to keep therapy fun but focused

What do I get?

This is an online course, made up of 10 modules which you can complete in your own time.  The module titles are:-

  • Speech sound development
  • Identifying a problem and making a referral
  • The stages of speech sound therapy
  • Phonological awareness
  • Saying single sounds
  • Blending consonants and vowels
  • Single words
  • Sentence level
  • Generalisation
  • Tracking progress

How long will the course take?

Each module will consist of one or more short videos as well as handouts and other course notes to read.  There will be exercises and activities to try at the end of each module.  There are 21 videos altogether with a total viewing of over 3 hours.  We currently aim to have the course with unlimited access once you have paid, so there is no time limit on working through or going back and watching parts of it again.

What do I need?

You will need to register for an online account to access the course material, with Zenler – our course host.

You will also need:-

  • Access to a device with internet connection which can read PDF’s and play videos.
  • An interest in finding out more about helping children with unclear speech!
  • A printer would be advantageous.

What else do I get?

We have set up a private Facebook group which everyone on the course will have access to.  You will be able to ask questions about the course or material which we will answer.  You will also be able to support each other through the course too.  We aim to answer all questions within 48 hours of being posted.

How much does it cost?

The course will be available for £97.

It will be up to purchase on 9th February.  Sign up to our mailing list to get more information and an exclusive discount code for the course!



The post Supporting children with unclear speech training appeared first on Speechbloguk.

from Speechbloguk http://ift.tt/2jMcWus

Saturday, January 28, 2017

PTA Meeting

Tuesday, February 7, 2017
12:30 - 1:30pm
Room 1218

Come along and join our PTA Meeting!

from Finalsite Academy News http://ift.tt/2jpQ3cJ

Friday, January 27, 2017

2017 – What can we expect from the next 12 months?

Happy New Year! This is my first blog of 2017.  As in past years I’ll summarize what I think the new year holds for us.  I’ll cover: Global Economic Climate BC Economic Climate How Economic Factors Affect our Real Estate Market Trends We Expect This Year   Global Economy As we enter 2017 the global […]

The post 2017 – What can we expect from the next 12 months? appeared first on Invis Team RRP.

from Invis Team RRP http://ift.tt/2kCGcpb

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Today's Schedule

8:15-8:55   Block F

8:55-9:35   Block H

9:35-9:45   Break/Passing

9:45-10:25   Block G

10:25-11:05   Block E

11:05-11:40   Lunch

11:45-12:25   Mentoring

12:30-1:15   Parade

1:25-1:55 (30 mins)   CNY Activities

2:05-2:35 (30 mins)   CNY Activities

2:45-3:15 (30 mins)   Acrobat Show at Theater

from Finalsite Academy News http://ift.tt/2jyTzme

Daily Schedule (January 26)

Today is Day D - 1

from Finalsite Academy News http://ift.tt/2jr66ue

AQI:381 Level 4

No outdoor activity of any kind for students.

from Finalsite Academy News http://ift.tt/2j6pb6u

Calling "Once Upon a Hutong" Cast members

Attention to the following “Once Upon a Hutong” Cast members. Please come to the costume changing area at 12:00 PM on Thursday to change into your parade costume then meet Mrs. Northcott at 12:20 pm at the Black Box.



Young Prince, Wang Li                                                                    Jimmy Neel

Xing Fu                                                                                          Kenny Do             

Tai Gan                                                                                          Nicky Wong

Mei-Ling                                                                                         Michelle Johnson-Wang (coronation costume)

Empress Dowager                                                                            Elsie Kibby

Emperor (Nigntingale)                                                                      Keaton Razik



Panda Bear                                                                          Young Soo Kim


Maidens ( Silk Dancers)

Clara Chen

Ava Nunan

from Finalsite Academy News http://ift.tt/2jyHLAe

Annual Panda Voting

Don’t forget to vote in the annual Panda Book Awards. Voting open February 6 – 20, 2017


from Finalsite Academy News http://ift.tt/2jvUBz9

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Chinese New Year Bus arrangements

• The buses and taxis will run a normal service on Thursday 26th January, including ASA buses at 4:40pm and 6:00pm.

• They will not run from Friday 27th January – Friday 3rd February.

• Buses and taxis will recommence their normal service on Monday 6th February.


Staff Buses:

• We will move the Capital Paradise (Afternoon) bus stop from Bus F to Bus B from Monday 6th February.

• The Jiu Xian Condo Bus stop on Staff Bus B is now cancelled.

from Finalsite Academy News http://ift.tt/2jcwfJX

4 Ways to Get Rid of Migraines

This post first appeared on Beautiful Canadian Laser & Skin Care Clinic.

There are many options for how to get rid of a migraine, and different things work for different people. Try the following ways on how to get rid of a migraine to see what works best for you. Take Meds in Moderation Pharmacy shelves are stocked with pain relievers for all kinds of headaches. They […]

The post 4 Ways to Get Rid of Migraines appeared first on Beautiful Canadian Laser & Skin Care Clinic.

from Beautiful Canadian Laser & Skin Care Clinic http://ift.tt/2j2JDoM

New From MS TV News!

Featuring: ISB Chinese New Year, OneDay, That's Random



from Finalsite Academy News http://ift.tt/2jbQsje

HS Sports Season 3

Calling all HS athletes who want to play Badminton, Soccer, Softball, or who want to be part of the Track and Field program! Season 3 officially starts on Wednesday February 8th at 3:45pm in Gym 2. If you are keen to play any of these sports, please come to Gym 2 on that day - there will be a short meeting and then practice will start at 4:15pm. Any questions at all, please drop into the Activities office.

Happy Chinese New year!


from Finalsite Academy News http://ift.tt/2juAK3v

MS Sports Season 3

Calling all MS athletes who want to play basketball, want to swim or want to be on the track and field team! Season 3 officially starts on Tuesday February 7th at 3:35pm in Gym 2. If you are keen to play any of these sports, please come to Gym 2 right after school on that day - there will be a short meeting and then practice will start at 4:00pm. Any questions at all, please drop into the Activities office. 

Happy Chinese New year!


from Finalsite Academy News http://ift.tt/2kpv5zI

Daily Schedule (January 25)

Today is Day C - 1

from Finalsite Academy News http://ift.tt/2juEXEv

Cambridge English: Advanced (C1) – Speaking CAE

En este post aprenderás todo acerca del examen oral del Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE), es decir, el Speaking del C1 de Cambridge English. El speaking o examen oral es una de las cuatro partes típicas en los exámenes de Cambridge English. En este artículo te explicaré las 4 partes en las que se divide el examen oral (Speaking Paper) del Advanced (CAE). Además, te lo voy a explicar todo con un vídeo de un examen real y material de ejemplo para cada una de las 4 partes.

Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE) Speaking C1


Aspectos generales

  • El examen de speaking tiene 4 partes.
  • Se hace por parejas.
  • Hay 2 examinadores2 candidatos.
  • Durante el examen tienes que interactuar con uno de los examinadores (el interlocutor) y con tu compañero.
  • El otro examinador no te pregunta nada. Él o ella simplemente toma nota.

Ahora, antes de continuar, deberías ver el siguiente vídeo de un examen de Speaking real. Después podrás leer la descripción de cada parte, con ejemplos de materiales reales utilizados en el Advanced (CAE) de Cambridge English.


Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE) – Speaking (Video)

Puedes leer los comentarios de los examinadores de este examen aquí.

Speaking Parte 1 – Entrevista (2 minutos)

Durante esta parte, el examinador te hace diferentes preguntas acerca de tus experiencias personales y profesionales (intereses, carrera, trabajo, etc.). Además, también tendrás que expresar tu opinión acerca de varios temas. Esta tarea es individual, por lo que únicamente has de interactuar con el examinador. Sin embargo, debes prestar atención a lo que el interlocutor le pregunta a tu compañero/a, ya que puede que te pregunte a ti lo mismo. Aquí te dejo un ejemplo de preguntas que te podrían haícer durante esta primera parte del Speaking:

Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE) Speaking Part 1 Example

Speaking Parte 2 – Comparar 2 imágenes (3 minutos) 

En la segunda parte del Speaking, te dan 3 imágenes y se te pide que hables y compares 2 de las imágenes en 1 minuto. Esta tarea es individual. Junto a las 3 imágenes, te dan 2 preguntas escritas en la parte superior. Durante la comparación, debes responder las preguntas con respecto a las imágenes. Cuando hayas acabado, después de 1 minuto, el examinador le hace una pregunta a tu compañero que tiene que ver con tus imágenes. Esta pregunta, se responde en unos 20 – 30 segundos. Después, se vuelve a hacer todo el proceso pero al revés: tu compañero compara y tú respondes a una pregunta.

Aquí te dejo un ejemplo de las instrucciones del interlocutor y de unas imágenes que te pueden poner para que compares.

Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE) Speaking Part 2 Instructions Example

Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE) Speaking Part 2 Example

Aunque estas imágenes aparecen en blanco y negro, en el examen serán a color.

Durante esta parte, se te evalúa la capacidad para comparar, describir, expresar opiniones, especular, etc.


Speaking Parte 3 – Debate (3 minutos) 

Durante esta tercera parte, debes interactuar con tu compañero/a. El examinador os describe una situación a los dos, y os da una tarea/pregunta y una serie de ideas para ayudaros. Tienes que hablar de las diferentes ideas con tu compañero/a y, si es posible, llegar a un acuerdo. El objetivo de esta parte es evaluar cómo intercambias ideas, expresas tu opinión; cómo expresas tu acuerdo o desacuerdo con alguien; cómo sugieres, especulas, evalúas; y cómo intentas llegar a un acuerdo a través de negociación.

Esta tarea se divide en 2 partes: primero, tienes 2 minutos para hablar de las diferentes opciones con respecto a la pregunta. Luego, el examinador os interrumpe y os pide que lleguéis a una conclusión o acuerdo con respecto a una de las opciones. Para ello, os da 1 minuto. 

Aquí tienes un ejemplo de lo que diría el examinador, y otro ejemplo de la pregunta y las ideas que tienes que debatir con tu compañero.

Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE) Speaking Part 3 Instructions Example

Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE) Speaking Part 3 Questions Example

Speaking Parte 4 – Más debate (4 minutos)

En esta parte tienes que llevar a cabo otra conversación, la cual deriva de la temática de la parte 3. Se te hacen diferentes preguntas que tendrás que responder solo/a o debatirlas con tu compañero/a. Es muy importante que prestes atención a lo que responde tu compañero/a, por si se te pide que interactúes con él/ella en esa parte. A continuación tienes un ejemplo de lo que podrían preguntarte en la parte 4 del Speaking de C1 (Advanced):

Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE) Speaking Part 4 Example

Lo más importante para realizar esta tarea correctamente es saber justificar opiniones al igual que estar de acuerdo y en desacuerdo con tu compañero/a o con algunas ideas que te dará el examinador.

Consejos generales

Aunque cada parte es diferente, existen muchas cosas que deberías tener en cuenta durante este examen de Speaking. Veamos:

  • Se te evalúa de manera individual, así que no debes preocuparte por hacerlo mejor o peor que tu compañero/a. Como afirma un antiguo examinador oral, Stephen Hasler, “ni tu compañero ni los examinadores son tus enemigos. El único enemigo en la sala eres tú mismo/a.
  • En este examen de C1 debes demostrar un nivel de inglés de C1 o superior. Por este motivo, no es suficiente con que sepas comunicarte, como lo es en niveles inferiores. En este caso debes utilizar una amplia variedad de estructuras gramaticales y vocabulario que sea típico de un nivel de inglés C1. Por lo tanto, debíeras intentar además intentar utilizar algún que otro idiom o phrasal verb avanzado.
  • No hay problema si el examinador te corta antes de que acabes.
  • Sé espontáneo. No memorices “discursos” para el examen. Los examinadores se darán cuenta inmediatamente de si lo que dices está memorizado de antemano o no.
  • Responde siempre a lo que te preguntan. Si empiezas a hablar de algo irrelevante, los examinadores te cortarán y pasarán a otra pregunta.
  • Presta atención a tu compañero. Está atento/a a lo que dice tu compañero a lo largo de todo el examen. Se supone que debes estar de acuerdo o en desacuerdo con él/ella, y mantener una conversación acerca de diferentes ideas (partes 2, 3 y 4), ¡así que no lo/la ignores!
  • Sé educado/a incluso si no estás de acuerdo con las opiniones de tu compañero/a. Existen muchas estructuras para expresar acuerdo o desacuerdo de manera educada, así que asegúrate de saberlas bien antes de tu examen oral.
  • ¡Sonríe! Te sorprenderia lo que una sonrisa puede conseguir. Si pareces alegre durante el examen, todo el mundo en la sala estará más abierto y receptivo hacia lo que dices. Esto puede afectar tu nota positivamente.

Si quieres más información acerca del Advanced (CAE), visita esta página de Cambridge o nuestro resumen en español aquí.


Y si te ha resultado útil este post, por favor, comenta y comparte. No te olvides de seguir nuestra academia de inglés en Granada en FacebookTwitterPinterestGoogle+ y YouTube, y subscríbete al blog para no perderte ningún post. 😊

La entrada Cambridge English: Advanced (C1) – Speaking CAE aparece primero en KSE Academy | Academia de inglés.

from KSE Academy | Academia de inglés http://ift.tt/2kmCQXc

Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE-C1) – Speaking Paper

In this post you will learn everything there is to know about the CAE Speaking paper, also called Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE-C1), I promise. The Speaking paper is one of the four parts in regular Cambridge English exams. In this article, I will outline the four different parts of the Speaking Paper for Cambridge English: Advanced (C1-CAE) and you will find a video and sample materials for each of these four parts.

Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE) Speaking C1


General Considerations

  • There are 4 parts in this paper.
  • It takes place in pairs.
  • There are two examiners and two candidates.
  • During the exam you have to interact with one of the oral examiners (the interlocutor), and with your partner.
  • The other examiner does not speak. He/she only takes notes.

You now have a video of a full real Speaking test, and a description of each of the parts, with examples of the types of questions and the material used in the exam. I hope you find it useful.


Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE) – Speaking Paper (Video)

Read the examiner’s comments here.

Speaking Part 1 – Interview (2 minutes)

During this part, the examiner asks you different questions about your personal and professional background (interests careers, jobs, etc.) You will also have to express your opinion about various topics. This is an individual task, so you only interact with the examiner. However, you must pay attention to the questions that the interlocutor asks your partner, as he/she may ask you the same. Here’s a set of typical topic-based questions you might be asked:

Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE) Speaking Part 1 Example

Speaking Part 2 – Comparing Two Pictures (3 minutes) 

In part 2, you are given 3 pictures and are asked to talk about and compare two pictures in 1 minute. You have to do this individually. You are given three pictures and two questions written above them. You have to answer the questions in relation to the pictures. When you have done this, after 1 minute, the examiner asks your partner a question about the topic of your pictures, which he/she should answer in 20-30 seconds. Then, the same process happens vice versa.

Here’s an example of the interlocutor’s instructions and the pictures you may be asked to talk about:

Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE) Speaking Part 2 Instructions Example

Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE) Speaking Part 2 Example

Although these pictures are black & white, in the exam they are coloured.

In this part you are assessed on how well you can compare, describe, express opinions, speculate, etc.


Speaking Part 3 – Discussion (3 minutes) 

During this third part, you must interact with your partner. The examiner describes a situation to you both, and gives you a task/question and a set of written cues/ideas to help you. You have to discuss the different ideas with your partner and, if possible, reach an agreement. The aim of this part is to assess how well you can exchange ideas, express and justify opinions, agree and/or disagree, suggest, speculate, evaluate, and work towards reaching a decision through negotiation.

You have 2 minutes to discuss the different cues. After this, the examiner will interrupt you and ask you to reach an agreement. You are given 1 minute to conclude.

Here’s an example of what the examiner would say, and the written cues:

Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE) Speaking Part 3 Instructions Example

Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE) Speaking Part 3 Questions Example

Speaking Part 4 – Further Discussion (4 minutes)

In this part, you have to carry out a discussion which stems from the topic featured in part 3. You are asked different questions that you have to talk about with your partner or on your own. It is really important that you pay attention to your partner, in case you need to interact with him/her during this part. The task that comes after part 3 is the following:

Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE) Speaking Part 4 Example

Expressing and justifying opinions, agreeing and/or disagreeing are the key points relevant to this task.

General Tips

Although each part is different, there are several things that you should bear in mind during the whole test. Let’s see:

  • You are assessed individually, so you needn’t worry about being better or worse than your partner. As former oral examiner, Stephen Hasler, recently said, “neither the partner nor the examiners are the enemy. Your only enemy in the room can be yourself.
  • In this test you must show that your level of English is within the C1 scope or above. For this reason, it is not enough to be communicative, as it was at lower levels. In this case you must use a wide range of grammatical structures and vocabulary that are typical of a C1 level of English. Therefore, you should really try to slip a couple of advanced idioms and or phrasal verbs .
  • There is no problem if the examiner stops you, so don’t worry if you talk until he/she cuts you off.
  • Be as spontaneous as possible. Don’t memorise a “speech” for the exam. The examiners will notice right away and will penalise you.
  • Always answer exactly what you are being asked. If you start talking about something irrelevant, the examiners will cut you off and move on to another question.
  • Pay attention to your partner‘s opinions and questions throughout the whole exam. You’re supposed to express agreement/disagreement, to hold a conversation and to discuss different ideas (parts 2, 3 & 4), so don’t ignore him!
  • Be polite. Even if you disagree with your partner’s opinions, you must always be polite! There are many structures to disagree politely, so make sure you know them and know how to use them before you take the exam.
  • Smile and be happy! You’d be surprised by what a smile can do! If you smile, everyone in the room will be more open and receptive to what you have to say for yourself. This may positively affect your overall score!

For more information about the Advanced exam (previously known as CAE), visit Cambridge English: Advanced / What’s in the exam? or our sumary in Spanish here.


If you enjoyed this post, please ratecomment and share. Don’t forget to keep up with KSE’s latest news on FacebookTwitterPinterestGoogle+ & YouTube, and fill in the form below to subscribe to the newsletter and receive more awesome English posts. You won’t regret it! Keep Smiling! 😉

La entrada Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE-C1) – Speaking Paper aparece primero en KSE Academy | Academia de inglés.

from KSE Academy | Academia de inglés http://ift.tt/2jMJ3IW

Principal's List for January 24

Principal’s List for January 24

from Finalsite Academy News http://ift.tt/2j8I5on

Statistics Survey

Hello Middle School Students

Our names are Bono, Dong Min, Eric, and Stone. We are from a high school AP statistics class and we are currently performing a survey regarding Middle School students.


We kindly ask if everyone can please check their email now for a survey link. If you have received an email regarding a statistics survey, please fill it out, your feedback will be greatly appreciated! It is the utmost importance to us that everyone who receives the survey replies to the survey with honesty!


Thank you!

from Finalsite Academy News http://ift.tt/2j8Lsf3

Monday, January 23, 2017

Charity Fashion Show

The Charity Fashion Show is on February 11th at 6pm, the first Saturday after Chinese New Year Break. This year we are featuring 12 student designers, 6 student performances, over 90 models! Come and support all your friends who are involved in the show as well as the charity organizations Roundabout and The Starfish Project. There are also amazing raffle prizes such as a one night stay voucher at East hotel, or the chance to win a Home Sound Speaker System!  Tickets will be sold at the cafeteria during lunch time everyday until February 11th.  
Student tickets: 50 RMB 
Adult tickets: 100 RMB 
CFS hats: 40 RMB 
CFS bags: 60 RMB

from Finalsite Academy News http://ift.tt/2klIQzq

Daily Schedule (January 24)

Today is Day B - 2

from Finalsite Academy News http://ift.tt/2jS2jqA

One Day Update

One Day Update: 

Please check the updated OneDay lists with minor changes from yesterday. 

Today after attendance and announcements, you should again go to your OneDay location to meet your OneDay teachers.  If you haven't already, you should share your plan with your teachers for OneDayIn sharing so many spaces, it is important that you plan well, so everyone can be successful. It is important too, that your OneDay plan spans the whole day, so make sure you have taken into account all the things you need to do.   

Please remember you must remember your OWN materials for OneDay.  Please bring them to school with you for OneDay.  At this point, you cannot change spaces or topics, so please don't ask.  You can always revise or change your goal a bit (even throughout OneDay), but you cannot change your plan entirely. 

If you are still not on a list or have found an error on the list, please come see Mrs. Lemley on the couches near the Apple Kiosk on the third floor during homeroom time, otherwise report to your OneDay location (or where your OneDay teachers told you meet). 

We can't wait to see all the great things you are going to do on OneDay! 

from Finalsite Academy News http://ift.tt/2jSarr4


MATHLETES who are travelling to Hong Kong next month, don’t forget our meeting at lunch today! We will be sharing more information about our trip and we will run another team competition!

Team 2 won last week! Let’s see if Team 1 can regain their title!


from Finalsite Academy News http://ift.tt/2j7kp3y

Working together with other therapists

In today’s blog post we’re welcoming a guest contributor, Gemma Moore.  Gemma works for the NHS in Portsmouth and is a specialist in hearing impairment.  Gemma and I have written this post together.

There are various reasons why more than one therapist may end up working with a child.  We’re not going to go into those today.  However, when it happens, it’s really important that the therapists work together, in a complementary way.  Generally, therapists want to work together!  However,  this can sometimes be challenging.  There are several reasons for this:-

  • Any 2 therapists can have slightly differing opinions. This doesn’t usually mean that one is right and the other is wrong but it can make it harder if you are initially focussing on different things.  Add in the equally important opinions of the child’s parents and their school or nursery and sometimes there can just seem to be too many opinions!
  • There can particularly be a difference of opinion between independent therapists and NHS therapists. This is because of a difference in what can be provided in different situations.
  • The logistics of keeping in touch can be tricky. I’ve never met a speech therapist who isn’t busy and we can be challenging people to get hold of on the phone!  Email collaboration can be tricky as certain information shouldn’t be emailed due to confidentiality.  General busyness can just mean that you don’t speak to each other as often as you should.

However, the benefit of another therapist’s opinion can also be a fantastic thing.  Two heads can really sometimes be better than one and I have often learnt new things and grown in my skills and knowledge from working with another therapist.

Gemma and I have been working together with a few children for a year or so now.  The first thing to say is that we are good friends.  We trained together, shared a house for a while after we left university and now we are godparents to each others’ children!  Obviously this has really helped us with working together, as we have a level of trust in each other that is hard to replicate with a therapist you have never met.  Nevertheless, we hope that some of our experiences of working together can be helpful to others.

We’re going to talk briefly about 3 different children (all names have been changed!)


We have both worked quite closely with Ben who has quite significant speech and language needs.  We agreed with his parents to see him on alternate weeks, so that he was able to have weekly therapy.  Initially we set joint targets and then we would send brief emails after each session or two (often just a line or two) about anything the other should know about.  We spoke on the phone every few months to review the targets.

More recently, I have continued to work directly with Ben at home and Gemma has taken the lead in working with the nursery to help transfer what he has learnt out of home and into other settings.  Again, we speak every few months to update the targets and share ideas.  We share assessment results and we both attend multi-disciplinary meetings.  I think this is particularly useful, especially for a child with more complex needs, as having everyone together in the same room really helps to get a rounded view of a child in all settings and collaborate on how best to help.




Ruby is a child that I see weekly.  Gemma sees her once a term.  Because I am the therapist who sees her most frequently I tend to take the lead in setting targets and deciding when they need to change.  Gemma calls me before she goes into school and I update her on what I have been doing and why.  Although I do liaise regularly with the school staff, they are not often able to sit in on my sessions, so Gemma always does her termly session with the TA and demonstrates strategies and activities for them to follow up on.


Again, Daniel is a child I see weekly.  Gemma sees him once a month.  Daniel has difficulties with both speech sounds and his understanding and use of language.  Although I do target all areas, I tend to focus primarily on his speech sounds during my sessions.  Gemma tends to focus more on functional communication, such as setting up visual support strategies for nursery.  Again, we speak every few months and make sure that we agree the targets but we each take the lead in implementing different ones.

Finally here are our top tips on working together with other therapists (especially between NHS and independent therapy):_

  • Be clear with parents and school staff about who is doing what and why. Then they understand the plan and know who is the best person to ask about their query.
  • Explain your thought processes to the other therapist. Sometimes the first thing you see from the other therapist is a list of targets and at times you aren’t immediately sure why those things have been targeted.  Ask and then really listen to the answer.  If you feel that something else is important, explain why you think this.  Talk to parents and school staff too.
  • Agree how often you will contact each other and how and put it in your diary so that it happens.
  • Assuming that you have the parents’ consent, always let the other therapist know if you have completed any assessments and share the results.
  • Share reports.

What are your experiences of working together with other therapists?  What tips do you have that we can all learn from?

The post Working together with other therapists appeared first on Speechbloguk.

from Speechbloguk http://ift.tt/2jRazad

Sunday, January 22, 2017

MS Seasonal Swim Program

The MS Seasonal swim program will begin after CNY break! This season is for non-Academy swimmers and serves as a development for budding competitive swimmers or multi-sport individuals that enjoy swimming as well as other sports throughout different seasons.  The flyer and tryout form is attached below. If you have any questions, please see: Coach Nic (pool office), Ms. Cox (room 3123), or Coach Tim (ES Library) for more information.


Important Information:

• Tryouts: Tuesday Feb 7th & Thursday Feb 9th. All swimmers will be able to join the team.
• Practices take place every Tuesday and Thursday until March 30th

Practice times: 

3:30 – 4:30 (Group 1)

3:30 – 5:45 (Group 2 - By invitation, based on tryout results)


Attached is the flyer


from Finalsite Academy News http://ift.tt/2jQBeVf

Gaming to Give


Hello friends, Roots & Shoots is excited to announce ISB’s first ever charity League of Legends tournament! 

The tournament will be taking place in the two weeks after Chinese New Year break, with games being played on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4:30 to 6:00, and Sunday afternoons. 

The entry fee is 100RMB per person, but the top four teams will receive up to 3200RP per player, among other prizes, and all participants will receive a 4-Win IP Boost. 

All proceeds from this tournament will be going to H/Rahula Maha Vidyalaya, ISB’s sister school in Sri Lanka. Since the tsunami hit them in 2004, ISB has been assisting them in the day-to-day functioning of the school, as well as providing support for their curriculum and incorporating community projects. 

To sign up, go to the link below, login to your account and click register in the bottom right corner. Each team must have five accounts signed up in order to participate. If you don't have a team of five, you can also sign up using Non-Aligned as your team name and we will try to match you up with a group of five. 

If you have any questions or concerns, contact Boris.Wong@student.isb.bj.edu.cn or Joshua.Grulich@student.isb.bj.edu.cn for support. 



from Finalsite Academy News http://ift.tt/2je3cZX

Calling following Hutong cast memebers

Attention to the following “Once Upon a Hutong” Cast members. You have a short LUNCH TIME meeting with Mrs. Northcott today (Monday) from 12:30-1:245 PM at the Black Box. Topic: Participation in the CNY Parade.



Young Prince, Wang Li                                                                       Jimmy Neel

Xing Fu                                                                                                  Kenny Do             

Tai Gan                                                                                                  Nicky Wong

Mei-Ling                                                                                                Michelle Johnson-Wang (coronation costume)

Empress Dowager                                                                              Elsie Kibby

Emperor (Nigntingale)                                                                      Keaton Razik



Panda Bear                                                                          Young Soo Kim


Maidens ( Silk Dancers)

Molly Homer

Clara Chen

Ava Nunan


from Finalsite Academy News http://ift.tt/2k5EPvw

Saturday, January 21, 2017

LoB Haircut

The LOB (Long Bob) has been popular for a few years now but for good reason. It’s pretty and easy to manage. It also looks good on a lot of people with different hair types and color. It’s can be styled curly or worn more straight too. If you’ve thought a different look consider LOB but know it’s not for everyone.

Good for: Normal hair, Fine hair, Thick hair, Wavy hair

Not so Good for: Tight Curly or Frizzy Hair

Styling your LOB: Use a 1 1/4” inch Curling Iron to create loose texture beach waves. Finish with Rene Furterer Texture Spray and to add volume you can use Shu Uemura Ample Angora  Both of these products can be found in the salon or on our Online store http://ift.tt/2iOUhPW.

When looking for a cut for yourself here’s a few tips to help pick the right look for you.

1. If you not considering changing your hair color, look for a picture of the cut you like on a person with the same hair color and texture. Haircuts look different on Blondes than they do on Brunettes for example.

2. Consider your lifestyle and how much time you have to style it every morning. Precision cuts like a short Bob take more time to style. One of reasons why the LOB has been so popular for so long.

3. Our Stylist’ have professional tools and products to style your new hairstyle. It’s nearly impossible to recreate your new style at home without the products they used. Consider purchasing at least the most important styling products.

2. Face shape is an important factor. The right haircut can compliment and enhance your natural features.

The best place to start is coming in for a consultation. We listen and take the time to go over every aspect of choosing the right style for you.  Book Online or call/text 206-568-3300

from Bowie Salon and Spa http://ift.tt/2jMUbYw

Thursday, January 19, 2017

HS Counselor Coffee

How Mindfulness Can Benefit You and Your Teen

Tuesday, January 24

10am - 11am


from Finalsite Academy News http://ift.tt/2jSqG4X

118-150 Robson by Amacon – Plans, Prices, Availability

118-150 Robson by Amacon.

At a Glance

  • prime location at Robson & Cambie streets
  • 30-storey mixed-use building
  • 125 studio to 3-bedroom condos
  • hotel with restaurant & lounge
  • 1 block from BC Place Stadium
  • 1 block from Vancouver Public Library
  • goal of LEED Gold

Aerial perspective of 118-150 Robson.

Where Downtown Meets Yaletown
Canadian developer, Amacon, has proposed to redevelop the site of the Northern Electric Company Building at 118-150 Robson Street into a mixed-use building containing a 120-room hotel, 4,635 sq ft of commercial space, and a residential tower with 125 condominiums. The Art Moderne façade of the heritage building will be restored and re-purposed into retail shops and a hotel, above which a new luxury residential tower will be constructed.

Be A Presale Condo VIP!

Find Out About New Presales & Get Access to VIP Openings & Special Promotions!

  • Should be Empty:

Located where Downtown Vancouver transitions into the residential neighbourhoods surrounding the north shore of False Creek, you’ll have within mere steps of your front door an exceptional range of eateries, shops, professional services, and leisure activities for unparalleled convenience. Revel in the nightlife of Granville Street or cheer on the home team at a BC Lions game in BC Place. Survey the brand name boutiques along Robson Street or enjoy a fine dining experience in one of Yaletown’s eclectic restaurants. Living more is driving less.

Pricing for 118-150 Robson
As this project is in the development application stage, pricing has not yet been finalized. To ensure you are kept up-to-date on this excellent purchase opportunity, we strongly recommend signing up to our VIP list above.

Floor Plans for 118-150 Robson
Current plans envision 125 residential suites, ranging from studios to 3-bedrooms, making this property suitable for families.

Amenities at 118-150 Robson
Residents will enjoy shared use of a fifth floor indoor amenity room and an outdoor area to enjoy fine summer days with family and friends. Have out-of-town guests visiting? What’s more convenient than staying at the attached 120-room hotel and have use of its amenities? So many more conveniences are located just outside your door.

Parking and Storage
Approximately 280 underground parking and 250 bicycle stalls have been proposed for residents, hotel guests, and retail customers. Of these, 56 will be electric vehicle charging stations.

Maintenance Fees at 118-150 Robson
Will be included with release of pricing information.

Developer Team for 118-150 Robson
Amacon, developer of prestigious properties such as Modern on Burrard Street, has partnered with GBL Architects to redevelop the former Downtown Vancouver Catholic Archdiocese property. For over four decades, Amacon has been one of the most influential real estate development and construction firms in Canada. With a spectacular portfolio of landmark developments in Vancouver and Toronto, Amacon has established a highly-regarded reputation for setting the standard in the development industry.

Amacon is driven by passion to design with architectural innovation; a commitment to constructing uncompromising standards of quality and superior craftsmanship; and offering responsive customer care and proven satisfaction. These are the building blocks that define Amacon’s signature developments and new communities.

GBL Architects is a comprehensive, energetic, and diverse firm of architects providing a full range of architectural services to the private and public sectors. The firm has built its reputation on high quality design, tight project management, technical proficiency, financial responsibility, and keen administrative skills.

Each project design is based upon our knowledge of traditional and innovative construction techniques, materials and methods, and our familiarity with the appropriate local codes and approval processes. The considerable number of projects successfully realized by GBL have helped to shape the form and development of communities and neighbourhoods throughout British Columbia.

Expected Completion for 118-150 Robson

Are you interested in learning more about other homes in Yaletown, Southeast False Creek, or Chinatown?

Check out these great Yaletown Presales!

The post 118-150 Robson by Amacon – Plans, Prices, Availability appeared first on Mike Stewart Real Estate Specialist 604-763-3136.

from Blog – Mike Stewart Real Estate Specialist 604-763-3136 http://ift.tt/2jecZMR

ISB Diaper Drive Helps Families in Need

The International School of Beijing (ISB) and Ruamrudee International School (RIS) in Bangkok have capped off a successful diaper drive through fun runs that raised a staggering $US16,000.

from Finalsite Academy News http://ift.tt/2je6aek

One Act Play

The one act play (musical) THE 25TH ANNUAL PUTNAM SPELLING BEE will start at 2:30pm on Friday January 20th and not 2:40pm.

from Finalsite Academy News http://ift.tt/2iQ4s1D

One Day Announcement-Jan 20

Please check the lists of locations for OneDay either digitally with your homeroom teacher or on the second and third floors of middle school this morning.  

If you do not see your name on a list, please come see Mrs. Lemley in Room 3116. 

You will meet with your OneDay teachers in your locations on Monday and Tuesday before OneDay for last minute preparations.

from Finalsite Academy News http://ift.tt/2jEywkR

ISTA Festival

Deadline for payment for festival balance is today (Friday). Please complete your payment at the box office.

from Finalsite Academy News http://ift.tt/2iPQj4x

Audition for NYU Student Film is today

If interested, just come to the audition. It will be an awesome opportunity to star in a film that will be shown in NY and possibly in film festivals around the world.


Location: PA 1768 (Choir Room)

Time: 3:30 PM

Director: ISB Alumna, Stephanie Cheng


If you have any questions, please email Stephanie directly at syc454@nyu.edu

from Finalsite Academy News http://ift.tt/2jEDBdg

One Act Play

The one act play (musical) THE 25TH ANNUAL PUTNAM SPELLING BEE will start at 2:30pm on Friday January 20th and not 2:40pm.

from Finalsite Academy News http://ift.tt/2iPEOdo

Wednesday, January 18, 2017


Come and join us for an evening of fun and fundraising at the ISB Ball, which this year will have a masquerade theme and support the Love & Hope Center.


Westin Beijing Chaoyang

Saturday, March 4, 2017

6:30pm - 11:30pm


Tickets are available at the ISB Box Office for 1,200 RMB.

Click here for more info and sponsorship opportunities.


from Finalsite Academy News http://ift.tt/2jAkAsF

Upperclassmen Student Wellness Council Wellness Monday

Hey Everyone! Next week Monday, Student Wellness Council is hosting another Wellness Monday for the Upperclassmen.

During the usual assembly time (11:40-12:15), please go to either the MPR, Gym 2, or the Upper Gallery. 


The following activities will take place in each area:

MPR: Modern Family Watching

Gym 2: Dodgeball

Upper Gallery: Group Games (Bang, Mafia, etc.)


These activities are geared to reduce your stress! Have fun! 

from Finalsite Academy News http://ift.tt/2iTux3r


Venue: JANUARY 25  from 6.00pm ISB Theater

Performers NB that the starting time has been brought forward 30 minutes to 6.00pm and that The photograph call in performance attire on stage will now be from 5.30-6.00pm

from Finalsite Academy News http://ift.tt/2iKDgBm

MS sports-Season three is coming!

MS students


To all of the students that participated in this past weekend ISAC volleyball tournaments great job!  There were a number of great performances with the U14 Girls team winning their tournament with an undefeated record and not losing one game.  The U13 boys team came in second and the U14 Boys team came in third.  All teams did an excellent job and it was great to see such a high turnout of students for all of the volleyball teams.  Great job MS Dragons!  


Season Three Middle School Sports will be here soon!


Tuesday  February 7th will be the first day of Season 3 sports for the Middle School.


Please if you have an interest in Basketball, Tennis, Track and Field, and Swimming come to Gym 2 after school on the 7th of February.




from Finalsite Academy News http://ift.tt/2iSOB5P

Daily Schedule (January 19)

Today is Day E - 1

from Finalsite Academy News http://ift.tt/2iKwkEx

ELO Update

Dear students, please note the following important ELO information to help everyone feel informed over the next few weeks.


ELO Student Leader Training

To enable greater discussion in your groups, and ensure all groups are represented, the Student Leader Training has been moved to the weekend of February 18-19. Thank you to Mr McManus and Jump! for being flexible and rescheduling this training to a later date for us. The February session is the only one offered – no training this weekend.


ELO Mentoring

1.       This Friday:

a.       Please use ELO mentoring to select your group’s leaders, if you have not done so already. Every group MUST have two leaders to ensure equitable workload.

b.       For those groups who have already confirmed their leaders, you may use the remainder of the flex time to meet your group’s current needs.

c.       Please ensure you have handed your ELO Forms back to your ELO Mentor by THIS Friday. That includes students who have just switched ELOs, so they need to be especially organised!

d.       If you’ve switched ELO, you would have received an email from Mr Mizzone or myself, take note of the below info:

                                                               i.      Please collect your new ELO’s set of forms from the HS Office ASAP!

                                                             ii.      Your PowerSchool will be updated before Friday and it will have your new ELO Mentor and room number

e.       For some groups there is not much to do until their Jump Facilitator visits after we return from Chinese New Year and as a result you Mentor may choose to use the remaining time as a study hall.

2.       There is no ELO mentoring next week due to the Chinese New Year holiday.

3.       Friday, February 10th, you will be researching locational information – more info to come after CNY.

4.       Friday, February 17th, will be dedicated to Digital Citizenship and not ELO.

5.       Friday, February 26th, Jump facilitators will come and visit groups to support your student leaders deliver information about your ELO and what work lies ahead.


If you have any questions please see Mr Mizzone or Mr Fidler.

from Finalsite Academy News http://ift.tt/2k1sg3E