Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Lost and Found Items Claim

5 Tips on Using Deodorant

This post first appeared on Beautiful Canadian Laser & Skin Care Clinic.

You may not currently realize, but there are actually ways in which you can maximize the effects of using a deodorant! Check out these tips below: Apply at the Right Time “Most of these will work best at night,” Glaser says. The active ingredient has to go down into the sweat duct and clog it. […]

The post 5 Tips on Using Deodorant appeared first on Beautiful Canadian Laser & Skin Care Clinic.

from Beautiful Canadian Laser & Skin Care Clinic http://ift.tt/2maOzsu

Congratulations on participating in the Swim Region Challenge!

Good Morning Middle School Students!

Congratulations on participating in the Swim Region Challenge. We saw some great swims, students taking risks and classmates cheering for each other in high spirits.

Here are the top 3 highest scoring region for each grade level:

Grade 6

1st Place = East Europe (152 points)

2nd Place = South East Asia (139)

3rd Place = South America (122)

Grade 7

1st Place = Africa (131)

2nd Place = West Europe (115)

3rd Place = East Europe (110)

Grade 8

1st Place = East Europe (110)

2nd Place = South East Asia (105)

3rd Place = South America (103)

Have a great week! We will be posting pictures soon onto the MSPE bulletin board.

from Finalsite Academy News http://ift.tt/2mBUwfn

Wellness for STAFF

ISB's 30 DAYS OF WELLNESS: A PASSPORT TO HEALTH, which will be taking place in March. Click here for more details.

from Finalsite Academy News http://ift.tt/2m6n7vM

Monday, February 27, 2017






from Finalsite Academy News http://ift.tt/2ltgBvz

Volunteers Needed! Faculty & Staff Appreciation Lunch

There is still time to contribute a dish for our annual Faculty & Staff Appreciation Day on March 30. To sign up, please click here.

from Finalsite Academy News http://ift.tt/2mF3Ein


TEDx is an annual event here at ISB where students and faculty can share ideas and insight through giving a TED talk to the ISB community. The team organizing TEDx will the responsible for inviting student, faculty, and outside speakers to speak on topic of interest under the umbrella theme of the year: Global Citizenship. Organizers will curate speeches, market the event, organize ticketing, venues, contact outside speakers, etc.

TEDx will take place this year on Friday March 31st (last day before spring break) from 4:00-6:00pm.

If you are interested in either joining the organising team for TEDx or speaking at the event, please contact co-director Vivian So at vivian.so@student.isb.bj.edu.cn

from Finalsite Academy News http://ift.tt/2ligEti


TEDx is an annual event here at ISB where students and faculty can share ideas and insight through giving a TED talk to the ISB community. The team organizing TEDx will the responsible for inviting student, faculty, and outside speakers to speak on topic of interest under the umbrella theme of the year: Global Citizenship. Organizers will curate speeches, market the event, organize ticketing, venues, contact outside speakers, etc.

TEDx will take place this year on Friday March 31st (last day before spring break) from 4:00-6:00pm.

If you are interested in either joining the organising team for TEDx or speaking at the event, please contact co-director Vivian So at vivian.so@student.isb.bj.edu.cn

from Finalsite Academy News http://ift.tt/2lOeIwh


Please bring your laptop to our meeting tomorrow! You will need it!

from Finalsite Academy News http://ift.tt/2li9HZd

BEIMUN and Activities

Good morning MS!

This year we will host the HS Beijing MUN conference on campus and will have 600 delegates here from all over the world. Many activities after school on Thursday March 2nd will be cancelled!

See below for a round up, and thanks for your support of BEIMUN!

  • All MS Clubs and Service meetings on that day will be cancelled.
  • All MS Performing Arts activities can continue as planned in the PA corridor classrooms and practice spaces only - the Theatre and, Black Box will be in use by the conference.
  • MS Sports will continue as usual. Tennis and U-12 Girls Basketball in the dome, Track in the stadium and all other MS Basketball teams will play away fixtures at WAB on that day.
  • All Swimming will continue as normal.

from Finalsite Academy News http://ift.tt/2lNyN5Y

Simply Strings Concert

March 8 starting at 6:30pm in the ISB Theatre. There are 66 MS string players performing in the concert along with the HS Orchestra. All welcome!

from Finalsite Academy News http://ift.tt/2lsfL2p

Track and Field Announcement

We will meet in the stadium on Tuesday and Thursday at 3:30PM. Please dress warmly because we will remain outside for the entire practice session! Thank you!

The Coaches

from Finalsite Academy News http://ift.tt/2lNJhlN

Attention ISTA BLUE TEAM – those who will go on the Festival Trip

What: ISTA meeting

Date and Time: March 2, Thursday at 12:30-12:45 PM (Lunch Time)

Why: Festival information and a travel document that your parents need to complete

Venue: Black Box

from Finalsite Academy News http://ift.tt/2lsp6qJ

ISB's Compass Quest Trip Summer 2017: Inner Mongolia

ISB's second Compass Quest trip will take place on the steppe of Inner Mongolia this summer from June 18 - June 25. Program highlights include cycling on the green grasslands, camel riding in the Yulong desert, experiencing nomadic life on the steppe, homestays with Mongolian families, learning yurt building, camping under the stars, and honing your archery skills!

Talk to your parents and have them register for the trip by emailing Ms. Annie He AHe@isb.bj.edu.cn

Click here to see more

from Finalsite Academy News http://ift.tt/2lNAsZc

Top tips for building rapport with children

When I was a newly qualified therapist, there was so much to think about whenever I assessed a child – which assessment to use, transcribing speech correctly, asking the right questions in the case history, making the right decision about what to do next!…  But there is one aspect of doing an assessment which is really important although it’s easy to overlook it – building a rapport with the child.

However short you are on time, it’s always really important to take the time to make the child feel relaxed and at ease.  This is also probably the best possible way to ensure that the parent feels relaxed and at ease too!  Building rapport is something that it’s hard to make rules about – to an extent, you just need to be good at reading people and working out what they need.  However, here are some of the things that I find can help.

  • Say hello to the child.  It’s a simple thing but it makes a big difference.  I usually greet the parent first, but then I always turn to the child, smile and say hello!  It lets them know that I’m friendly, and that I’m interested in talking to them as well as their parent.  Some kids will say hi back, others ignore me or hide behind their parent, occasionally they scowl or even scream!  But whatever the reaction, it helps me to know how to approach them next!
  • Offer them a choice of toys.  When I worked in a clinic, I would usually get a range of age appropriate toys out before the appointment started and have them out on the floor for the child to choose from.  Now, I am usually arriving at someone’s house.  They may already have something out that they are playing with, which is fine.  However, very often they are very interested in my enormous therapy bag and what might be inside it!  Often, the first thing I do is to get a few things out and let them choose one that they would like to play with while I’m chatting to their parent.  Hopefully this gives the message that I’m there to have fun!
  • Don’t ask too many questions, just play!  Now, this seems like a strange thing to say.  Of course I’m not going to get too far with an assessment if I’m not going to ask any questions at all!  It’s part of the territory with assessments!  However, in those first few minutes, when I’m just trying to put the child at ease, I try not too ask too many questions.  Sometimes I just play with the child, pretty much silently for a few minutes.  Other times I will comment on what we’re doing or make sounds related to what we’re playing with (animal noises etc).  Sometimes I can be louder and more animated – it really depends on the child.  With an older child, I chat a bit more, and I am more likely to ask questions, but I try to start with something they’re interested in – maybe playing a game such as Connect 4 or getting them to show me a favourite book or a magazine on their favourite topic.  One thing is for certain though, I focus on play and just getting to know them to start with, not speech! (As an added bonus, play tells me lots about speech and language too!)
  • Praise.  This is true all the time with children, but it’s especially important in that initial assessment appointment.  Did the child attempt something you wanted them to attempt?  That’s huge! – praise them for trying even if it was only for a short time.  They’re much more likely to be willing to try again if they feel that their best was good enough for you.
  • Bribe!  I’m not above a little bribery in assessment sessions, especially when a child is struggling to get through a formal assessment I want to complete or reluctant to attempt it!  Bubbles and stickers are my favourite bribes but this will also depend on the child.  The iPad sometimes works well.  Sometimes the child has found a game in my bag that they really want to play.  Whatever it is, knowing that they are going to get it certainly helps me to build rapport with the child!  (I find that parents are often great with bribes too to help a child to stay focussed – I work with several children who are promised a biscuit or some chocolate buttons at the end of my session!)  Don’t forget to let the child have whatever you have bribed them with though – I have made that mistake before!

What are your favourite tricks for building rapport with the children you work with?  If you are a parent, what have you seen professionals do that has worked well with your child?

The post Top tips for building rapport with children appeared first on Speechbloguk.

from Speechbloguk http://ift.tt/2mnt20k

50 y pico expresiones andaluzas traducidas al inglés

¡Por fin ha llegado el Día de Andalucía! En Andalucía estamos de celebración con este puente (¡para algunos!) tan hermoso del 27 y 28 de febrero. Y queremos celebrarlo con vosotros con un poco de humor andaluz y de inglés. Por eso os traemos 50 y pico expresiones andaluzas, de las mejores, traducidas al inglés. Porque ya es hora de que los guiris estos que nos visitan todos los días y disfrutan de nuestro sol, nuestras tapas y nuestras terrazas aprendan un poco de andalú para comunicarse como Dióh manda. Para ver todas las expresiones, simplemente tienes que darle a la flecha de la derecha a ir pasándolas una a una. ¡Ale!

50 y pico expresiones andaluzas traducidas al inglés. #Andalucía #DíadeAndalucía #28defebrero…
Click Para Twittear

¿Qué? ¿Te han gustado? ¿Falta alguna? Seguro que sí. Si tienes alguna expresión andaluza favorita que no ha sido traducida, déjala en los comentarios. Espero que te hayan gustado estas flashcards andaluzas. No te olvides de compartir y seguirnos en FacebookTwitterPinterest, InstagramGoogle+ y YouTube, y subscríbete al blog para no perderte ningún post. 😊

La entrada 50 y pico expresiones andaluzas traducidas al inglés aparece primero en KSE Academy | Academia de inglés.

from KSE Academy | Academia de inglés http://ift.tt/2m2RSlA

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Please excuse Grade 8 tardy students

Dear Teachers,

Please excuse Grade 8 students who will be arriving late to their first period class today. They are attending a High School Transition assembly from 8:15-9:00am.

Thank you,

Counseling Team

from Finalsite Academy News http://ift.tt/2loJpFJ

BEIMUN and Activities

Good morning HS!

This year we will host the BEIMUN conference on campus and will have 600 delegates here from all over the world. Many activities after school on Thursday March 2nd will be cancelled!

See below for a round up, and thanks for your support of BEIMUN!

  • All HS Clubs and Service meetings on that day will be cancelled.
  • All HS Performing Arts activities can continue as planned in the PA corridor classrooms and practice spaces only - the Theatre and, Black Box will be in use by the conference.
  • All Swimming will continue as normal.

from Finalsite Academy News http://ift.tt/2lKas0H

Flex Time This Week

Monday - Study Hall

Tuesda - Course Selection Assemblies for Grade 9, 10, 11, Study Hall for Grade 12

Grade 9: Theater
Grade 10: Upper Gallery
Grade 11: MPR

Thursday - Mentoring

from Finalsite Academy News http://ift.tt/2l0TQTL

IB Student Panel

Any grade 10s interested in taking any IB courses next year are invited to listen to a panel of 12th graders share their decision-making between the full Diploma program or a selection of certificate courses, as well as their experiences through EEs, TOK, and CAS. This panel discussion will take place on Thursday Mar 2nd during flex time in the Upper Gallery.

from Finalsite Academy News http://ift.tt/2lKlVf9

ASA S2 make-up week

See details by clicking here.

from Finalsite Academy News http://ift.tt/2lV9Wxs

Saturday, February 25, 2017

PTA Meeting

Tuesday - March 7, 2017
12:30 - 1:30pm
Room 1218

Come along and join our PTA Meeting!


from Finalsite Academy News http://ift.tt/2mykZtu

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Simply Solo Strings Concert II Sign up

Simply Solo Performance -II April 2017

Simply Solo Strings Concert II

Starting at 4:00pm April. 24, 2017


ES (G3-5), MS and HS string players who are part of the string program at ISB

Guidelines for pieces: (please see the detailed instruction on the other side of the page) solo repertoire for violin, viola, cello or double bass, not more than 5 minutes duration, for string players and accompaniment as appropriate, any style or genre, beginner to advanced level. (not for chamber groups)

Please sign up by scanning the QR code and fill out the form with your electronic device.

Sign up starts: Monday 27th Feb. Deadline for completed forms: Tuesday 18th April 2017 at 3:30pm

Click here to read more detail and sign up code

from Finalsite Academy News http://ift.tt/2lwAyEu

Board of Trustees - Election

ISB needs YOU to take part in Spring Elections. Click here to find out more.

from Finalsite Academy News http://ift.tt/2mf9nwj

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

3 Common Medical Treatments for Removing Acne Scars

This post first appeared on Beautiful Canadian Laser & Skin Care Clinic.

Thinking about your options for removing acne scars? If so, you will want to consider these 3 of the most common medical treatments in removing acne scars, including: laser and filler treatments, cortisone and fade creams and dermabrasion. Laser and Filler Treatments If your acne scars don’t fade on their own after several months, then […]

The post 3 Common Medical Treatments for Removing Acne Scars appeared first on Beautiful Canadian Laser & Skin Care Clinic.

from Beautiful Canadian Laser & Skin Care Clinic http://ift.tt/2kOnU4E

Daily Schedule (February 23)

Today is Day F - 2

from Finalsite Academy News http://ift.tt/2lrz4ez

Try-outs for Year Round Swimming Academy

We have our try-outs for the second session of the year round swimming academy on Monday Feb 20th and Friday Feb 24th.For more details, please click below links:




from Finalsite Academy News http://ift.tt/2lH5phQ

From Contract to Close in Four Days

Every once in a while, you get someone who asks how long it takes for a home to close escrow. For the most part, we have to use the old, “it depends” answer. Basically, we say that because it really does depend on a lot of things.

Last week, we had a closing that took just FOUR business days from contract to close, AND the property had a Home Owners Association. That’s pretty fast.

List to close in just one week! We put the home on the market on a Thursday, the agent showed it on Saturday and we had negotiated everything by Sunday afternoon. On Monday morning, the HOA was contacted and paid $100 to “rush” their paperwork, and the owner’s bank was contacted to get current payoff information. On Tuesday we reviewed the title report and the HOA statement, and just a couple of short days later we met our clients at the title company, funds were exchanged and the deed was recorded. By Thursday evening, the new buyer had her keys.

In those few days, there were a lot of moving parts, but the buyer and her agent clearly wanted to close as soon as possible. Since this was a vacant property, our client was fine with a quick close and we accomodated their request.

Phoenix real estate Sold

The home was one of three properties that we put on the market February 9th. By Valentine’s Day, all three were under contract. Another one of those homes was the “Star Wars House.” It is scheduled to close escrow on the 24th. That one was quick, too!

How Long From Contract to Close?

So, a four day close of escrow isn’t super common. Especially outside of the investor / filp / foreclosure worlds. This sale was a normal seller selling a home to a lady who is going to live in the home.

Under normal circumstances, these are some of the things you need to consider when it comes to figuring out how long it takes to close escrow on a home:

Is it a cash sale?
If financed, who’s the lender?
Is the chosen title company ready to help push things along?
How fast can you get your due diligence done?
Is the seller able to deliver possession quickly?

Back in 2015 when TRID was introduced, we were hearing that closing times would be extended to “at least 45 days.” To me, that hasn’t seemed to hold true. We are still seeing many homes close escrow in the 30-45 day range, but most good lenders are not telling people that they need more than 45 days to be ready to close.

If you are thinking of buying or selling a home, it is always a good idea to have an experienced real estate agent guide you through the process!


    Originally posted on Phoenix Real Estate Guy. If you are reading this anywhere but inside your RSS feed reader or your email client, the site you are on is guilty of stealing content.

    (c) Copyright Jay Thompson. All Rights Reserved.

    from The Phoenix Real Estate Guy http://ift.tt/2mdcO6w

    Tuesday, February 21, 2017

    Daily Schedule (February 22)

    Today is Day E - 2

    from Finalsite Academy News http://ift.tt/2ll5ojb

    Grade 9 Course Registration Assembly


    Grade 9 Course Registration Assembly

    Join the high school counselors in the Upper Gallery on Monday, February 27th to learn about filling out the grade 9 course registration form. The session is from 8:15am-8:45am

    from Finalsite Academy News http://ift.tt/2kJgFei

    SWIM CHALLENGE-Thursday 23rd February, 2017 (DAY F)-Updated

    Please note that all students need to bring the following items: swim suit (one piece please), goggle, caps, region shirt, towel (towels will not be provided by the swimming pool on the day)

    Grade 7 – Block 1 (9:00 – 10.10am)

    Grade 6 – Block 2 (10:25 – 11:35am)

    Grade 8 – Block 5 (1:55 – 3:00pm)

    from Finalsite Academy News http://ift.tt/2l5in5R

    Security Reminder

    ISB is a safe and secure place to learn, play, and work. However, it is also a large, public place with many members in our ISB community. This is a reminder to be vigilant in securing your own personal property. Points of focus:

    • Do not bring valuable items to school: large amounts of cash, luxury watch/jewelry, electronic devices
    • Never leave valuables unattended, especially in the public areas such as cafeteria, library, lounge area.
    • Always lock your personal belongings in a locker
    • Place your name on your personal items such as cellphone, calculators, music instruments
    • Please alert ISB security at ext. 1101 immediately of any suspicious activity
    • For more ISB security information please click here

    from Finalsite Academy News http://ift.tt/2kJcP4Z

    Monday, February 20, 2017

    Daily Schedule (February 21)

    Today is Day D - 1

    from Finalsite Academy News http://ift.tt/2mgheZr

    Hong Kong MathCounts Team Celebration

    Hong Kong MathCounts Team ! Don't forget to bring your lunch to the FA space today so we can celebrate and look at your individual results more closely. Mathletes who did not travel to Hong Kong, we look forward to seeing you again next week!

    from Finalsite Academy News http://ift.tt/2m21lty

    MS Science Café is Back!

    Thursday @ Lunch Time (12:40 - 1:05)

    Do you wonder what is happening in the night sky? Come hear the stories of Ms. Jingsi Shi and Dr. Junbo Zhang from the National Astronomical Observatories of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

    New Location: Room across from the MS Office

    Bring your lunch and eat while you hear from these two scientists!

    from Finalsite Academy News http://ift.tt/2kSjEMT

    SWIM CHALLENGE-Thursday 23rd February, 2017 (DAY F)

    Please note that all students need to bring the following items: swim suit (one piece please), goggle, caps, region shirt, towel (towels will not be provided by the swimming pool on the day)

    Grade 7 – Block 1 (9:00 – 10.10am)

    Grade 6 – Block 2 (10:25 – 11:35am)

    Grade 8 – Block 5 (1:55 – 3:00pm)

    By now all students should have signed up for 2 events.

    The events on offer: 25m Free, 50m Free, 25m Backstroke, 25m Breaststroke, 25m Kickboard

    Each home room will volunteer 3 boys and 3 girls to participate in the 6 x 25m Free relay. Don't forget, teachers will also be participating in the relay event.

    For students who cannot participate because of a medical reasons, we will assign various roles so that they are still involved on the day. You will need to bring a medical note on the day if you are not participating.

    MSPE looks forward to seeing you all at the Swim Challenge!

    from Finalsite Academy News http://ift.tt/2lEWKx6

    Track and Field

    Please meet in the Dome on Tuesday & Thursday at 3:30PM for practice. Dress warmly and come prepared for an indoor/outdoor practice session on both days. Thank you!

    The Coaches

    from Finalsite Academy News http://ift.tt/2kSwTgF

    Great Job! Kidsread




    PLEASE COME TO MS. PATTY'S ROOM 3405 ON Wednesday, 11AM


    Click here to see the photo.

    from Finalsite Academy News http://ift.tt/2lFbFXZ

    First Time Home-Buyers: 90-day RRSP grace-period, downpayment boost strategy ends March 1!

    The post First Time Home-Buyers: 90-day RRSP grace-period, downpayment boost strategy ends March 1! appeared first on Invis Team RRP.

    from Invis Team RRP http://ift.tt/2lEFpEo

    Market Update: February 2017

    The post Market Update: February 2017 appeared first on Invis Team RRP.

    from Invis Team RRP http://ift.tt/2lEBpU8

    Tips for setting up in independent practise

    Both Helen and I started our careers in the NHS before moving to independent practise.  It was after finishing my maternity leave, that I started to work independently as well.  Although being in charge of the money aspect was always a little worrying, the flexibility that it offers a working parent is great.  You can read more about the pros and cons here.

    So if you are thinking about starting some independent work in addition to another job or are thinking about taking the plunge and doing it full time, here are some of the important points to think about.

    • ASLTIP – Both Helen and I attended an ASLTIP setting up in private practise course and would thoroughly recommend this.  We would also recommend joining ASLTIP – not only will it bring you clients, but it also provides support, supervision groups and help with things like your DBS!
    • Money – Set up a separate bank account for your business.  It makes it much easier to track what’s happening and keeps everything above board.  You will also need to find a way of recording your earning and expenditures.  You don’t need flashy accounting software if you don’t want it.  I record everything in an excel spreadsheet in a way that makes sense to me!  Remember to keep all your receipts.  Make sure you plan time each month to keep on top of your accounting so you don’t have a panicked week before your tax returns is due ( I have made that mistake a few times!).  I personally use an accountant as well and she is great at finding things to claim for that I wouldn’t have known about. One last tip – I make sure I keep back at least 25% of my earnings each month so I know I will have enough to cover the tax bill when it arrives.
    • HMRC – When I started, you had to register for National Insurance class 2 payments with the HMRC and let them know you would be completing a tax return.  However the way you pay NI class 2 has now changed, so I’m not completely sure if you need to do this.  Check with HMRC first!  As a sole trader, I just use my name as it is easier.  However, if you want to give your business a name, you will need to register it with Companies House and check that no-one else is using it.
    • Travel – The chances are, you will be spending a fair bit of each day travelling.  Firstly, try and organise your appointments sensibly so you aren’t driving from one side of your patch to the other – this can be easier said than done!  Also try and use this time constructively.  Helen and I are both avid podcast listeners!  There are some great speech therapy specific ones – read Helen’s post here.  There are also some great ones about running a business.  I also have either a book, or something in my kindle app to read for when you end up sitting outside a school for half an hour!
    • Record keeping – I do still follow a number of the protocol for note writing that we had to follow in the NHS, but not all of them!  Obviously there are clinical standards we have to adhere to, but there is also much more flexibility.  You can record your notes by hand, or on a computer.  You can change your report format.  You can assess and track data in a time frame and way that suits you.
    • Saying No – Don’t be afraid to say no to appointments or clients that aren’t right for you.  I found this hard at first.  However, a parent wanting to pay you and wanting the best for their child would rather you say no, I don’t have the right skills for this, than taking them on and not doing the best for the child.  We all have our specialities and areas we aren’t as confident in.
    • Terms and conditions – You really should have some sort of contract/ terms and conditions that you get new clients to sign.  Many therapists have them listed on their websites so go and have a look.  I have been very lucky and never needed to chase anyone, but it can and does happen.  Be very clear about what you can and can’t offer, when and how you expect payment etc
    • Website – I also recommend that you create your own website.  It doesn’t need to be anything flashy and you don’t have to pay some one to make it for you.  There are many website providers that offer sites with click and drag type set ups that are easy to use.  It has definitely got me more business having one, so do look into it.
    • NHS/ Independent – Many of us start by picking up a little independent work whilst still working for the NHS.  BEFORE you do this, speak to your manager.  I had to let HR know in writing that I was doing this and there were rules.  I wasn’t allowed to see children in the county in which I worked for the NHS.  Luckily I live on county boarders so I worked for the NHS in Surrey, but could see children privately in Hampshire and Berkshire.  I also had a very discrete caseload as I worked in a language centre and only had 20 children (This was working part time not full time!).  I also knew in advance who would be starting the following September, so I could absolutely ensure there was no conflict of interest.

    I’m sure there are other things as well, but these will get you started!  Good luck!

    The post Tips for setting up in independent practise appeared first on Speechbloguk.

    from Speechbloguk http://ift.tt/2kPTkTJ

    MS Students Find 'Inner Warrior' at Drama Yoga Festival

    What do you get when you combine drama, yoga, and the spirit of a warrior? The answer is the International School of Beijing's (ISB) inaugural Drama Yoga Festival.

    from Finalsite Academy News http://ift.tt/2kPyYK2

    Sunday, February 19, 2017

    HFH Students Build Hope in Sichuan

    Situated deep in a valley in Sichuan Province, Yaojia township is nestled between steep cliffs of deciduous trees and flat farmland.

    from Finalsite Academy News http://ift.tt/2kOCAvW

    How TOK Nurtures Critical Thinking

    Have you ever considered how knowledge is created, communicated, and consumed? As a core subject of the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme, Theory of Knowledge (TOK) asks these questions.

    from Finalsite Academy News http://ift.tt/2kCoMtr

    Sri Lanka Bake Sale

    In 2004, Sri Lanka was struck by a tsunami which destroyed much of its coastline. Since then, ISB has been partnered with H/Rahula Maha Vidyalaya, a school in Sri Lanka that was damaged by the tsunami. We've primarily been helping the school by sending funds to assist in its day-to-day functioning, as well as incorporating community projects, such as a Student Welfare Council.

    From Monday to Wednesday this week, Roots & Shoots will be holding a bake sale with all proceeds going to our sister school. A baked good will cost 5 RMB, and you will have the option to buy a card for your friend at the same price. Hope to see you all there!

    from Finalsite Academy News http://ift.tt/2lYNwMJ

    Daily Schedule (February 20)

    Today is Day C - 1

    from Finalsite Academy News http://ift.tt/2lbiK1d

    Attention Drama Yoga Participants

    Meet Mrs Northcott at Theater at 11:15 am today to prep for Assembly. Wear Drama Yoga shirt and Black pants/leggings. Girls should tie their hair.

    from Finalsite Academy News http://ift.tt/2lYDaMQ

    Go Dragons!

    Go Dragons!

    Did you wear your blue and white? Today we have a Spirit Assembly at 11:45. We will be following the late morning assembly schedule. We have lots of fun planned for the assembly so please go there directly after Period 2 and sit with your homeroom. Get ready to make some noise! Go Dragons!

    from Finalsite Academy News http://ift.tt/2lYAuyD

    MSTV News Survey

    Hello. I'm Alex from MSTV News and I'm running a survey. I'm trying to find out who in ISB has the highest win rate in Clash Royal. If you play Clash Royal, all you need to do is check your profile and check how many wins and trophies you have and put that (along with your name and class) into the survey link below and we will publish the top 10 in the next episode of MSTV News. This information is needed by Wednesday at break. Who will be the ISB Clash Royal Champion?


    from Finalsite Academy News http://ift.tt/2lky5uN

    Video from Keep Calm and Carry On' enrichment

    'Keep Calm and Carry On' enrichment has made a video for you on how to deal with those distracting kids in your class. Click here to watch. Enjoy!

    [it's around 5 minutes long]

    from Finalsite Academy News http://ift.tt/2lYAoXH

    5th Block this week

    5th Block this week is allocated to Math HL for 11th graders and Biology IAs for 12th graders.

    from Finalsite Academy News http://ift.tt/2lYuJ3N

    Flex Time This Week

    Monday - Grade Level Assembly

    Tuesday - Study Hall

    Thursday - Mentoring

    Friday - ELO

    from Finalsite Academy News http://ift.tt/2lktf0K

    HFH's Annual Showtime Gala

    Habitat for Humanity's annual Showtime Gala is fast approaching! It's taking place on March 25th at the Langham Hotel. It will be an amazing night of great food, jazz, and prizes! Showtime is one of the only nights where you get to feel fancy, socialize with friends, and escape stress so it's an event you can't miss!

    If you are interested, pre-sale tickets are on sale at the box office now. They are 300 for students, and 400 for adults. However, ticket prices will increase by 50 RMB after March 2nd, so make sure to buy your tickets soon!

    from Finalsite Academy News http://ift.tt/2lYrCch

    Found item

    Found glasses, check at MS office.

    from Finalsite Academy News http://ift.tt/2kXlSez

    Over 200 Attend ISB Alumni Reunions

    The International School of Beijing (ISB) held six alumni reunions across China and North America over winter, bringing together more than 200 former students, teachers, and friends.

    from Finalsite Academy News http://ift.tt/2kW0beR

    Friday, February 17, 2017

    This week in Phoenix – 1

    This is our first attempt at “This week in Phoenix.” We will have a new column each Friday that sums up some important and some just interesting things going on in Phoenix. Some will be real estate related, but some weeks could very well have no real estate-related content. Remember, this is a first attempt, it will only get better! If you want to never miss an episode, make sure you sign up for our “This week in Phoenix” email list.

    This was about SB170, not Trump
    The big news from Phoenix this week was the City Council’s decision to not become a sanctuary city. Recently several major cities such as New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco and other have decided for becoming sanctuary cities for undocumented immigrants. President Trump has threatened cities who approve sanctuary city status by saying he would move to withhold federal funds from them. During the debate by the Mayor and Council, that threat by the Trump administration was not the focus. The focus was SB1070 which made becoming a sanctuary city illegal under state statute and would have cost the city $5,000 a day. Those who came to speak for the measure were not happy when it was voted down by a 7-2 margin. If you want to watch the 80 minutes of discussion, you can do so here.

    If you build it, they will come… They hope.
    Tempe, Chandler, Gilbert, Mesa, Phoenix. What do they all have in common? Over the last several years they have all made large inroads into redeveloping their downtown areas and making them much more friendly for local residents. If you went into downtown Chandler in 2009 and then came back today, you would hardly recognize it. Gone are the empty storefronts and adult shops and in their place are new restaurants and local businesses. While things have changed, they are about to change even more.

    There is a new $25m development schedule to go up in downtown Chandler this year which will have over 77,000 sqft under roof. The anchor for the complex will be the new Flix Brewhouse, which is a movie theater with a microbrewery. The complex will be on the empty lot on the southwest corner of Arizona and Chandler.

    I am interested is what the new parking situation will be, as I am not sure the lot is large enough to house 77,000 sqft and parking. There is also discussion of a new development on the southeast corner, but those talks have been off and on for two years now. We recently wrote about why we were bullish on the housing market in the southeast valley, and this story just adds more proof to that.

    $25M downtown Chandler retail destination to open in December

    Will skating on the east side mean more money for the Yotes?
    There has been a lot of interesting news lately on sports stadiums. The Dbacks are trying to get out of their lease with Maricopa County at Chase Field, and now there is serious talk of getting the Coyotes from Glendale over to the east side, where many people think they should have originally settled. A bill in the AZ Senate made it out of committee this week that would be a joint effort by the team, the host city, and bonds. Right now the likely target of a new stadium would be Tempe or Scottsdale, but other locations have not been ruled out. We wrote about the Coyotes coming to Tempe in partnership with ASU. But that project is now dead, but Tempe is still a likely location.

    Side hustle
    So you live in Phoenix, and maybe you have an extra room or a guest house you are wondering if anyone makes any money by renting out their place through Airbnb. According to the company, Arizona citizens made $50.9 million from income from 329,000 visitors in 2016. The number of visitors was up 152% over the year before, much of that is attributed to the state passing SB1350, which prohibits Arizona localities from banning short-term rentals like Airbnb. So what are you waiting for?

    New builds continue to grow
    As we mentioned, people continue to move to the Phoenix area. More people means more housing requirements. More than 18,000 new homes were built in 2016, and that number will continue to grow. The good news is we are not seeing the signs that lead to the disaster of 2004-2006 time frame when the people buying new houses were not people who qualified for a home, which lead to the bubble. But just taking a drive around the valley, you will likey see new build developments. And while there may be a few small infill developments going up, much of the growth is on the fringes of the city.

    After the rain passes this weekend
    The team at the Phoenix Real Estate Guy love our outdoors. So here is a fun one for you. This weekend is supposed to rain like crazy, but that means we could have some colorful areas on President’s Day or next weekend. Here are the 10 Best Desert Wildflower Hiles in the Phoenix metro area according to Phoenix New Times.
    There you have it, our first effort in summing up some of the important and interesting news from Phoenix in the past week. We aim to do this every Friday on the Phoenix Real Estate Guy website. The easiest way to make sure you never miss an issue is to sign up to receive it in your inbox every Friday.

      Originally posted on Phoenix Real Estate Guy. If you are reading this anywhere but inside your RSS feed reader or your email client, the site you are on is guilty of stealing content.

      (c) Copyright Jay Thompson. All Rights Reserved.

      from The Phoenix Real Estate Guy http://ift.tt/2lrulu6

      Writing the Perfect Story for Preliminary (PET) Writing Part 3

      The Writing paper for Cambridge English: Preliminary (PET), at B1 level, comprises 3 parts:

      In this post we will see how to write a story at B1 level for your Preliminary (PET – B1) exam. The story is one of the options in Writing Part 3 and, in my view, the difficult one, the easier being the email. We already saw how to write an email or letter, but you still need to know how to write a story properly, so let’s get on with this.

      leer-en-espanol-botonPreliminary (PET) Writing Part 3 Stories


      What do you have to do in Writing Part 3?

      In this part of the test, you are given some instructions to write a story in about 100 words. These instructions may involve the title or the first or last sentence of the story. Why do they give you this prompt? Well, if they asked you to simply “write a story”, you could memorise a story at home and simply write it out in the exam, which isn’t really fair.

      The good thing about choosing the story over the letter is that you have more freedom to write. But first, let’s take a look at an example taken from Cambridge English sample papers:

      Cambridge English Preliminary Writing Part 3 Story

      What is a story?

      According to the OxfordDictionaries.com, a story is “an account of imaginary or real people and events told for entertainment”. For this reason, precisely, you have plenty more freedom to write, as you can make up most of the story. But  just like it happens with every other type of writing, a story must follow a particular structure which makes sense to the reader. So let’s move on to the different parts of a story.

      Parts of a Story

      A story can roughly be divided into the following parts:

      • Title: The title should either summarise the whole story (without spoilers!) or have something to do with the main theme.
      • Exposition: This is the beginning of the story, where the characters and setting are established. It serves as the introduction to the next part, the action, and the so-called conflict of our story.
      • Action: In this part, the characters deal with conflict and do things to solve it.
      • Resolution: This is where the conflict is resolved and the story concludes with an ending, normally without any loose ends.

      Now that we know the different parts of a story, we should see an example.

      Cambridge English: Preliminary (PET) – Writing Part 3: Story

      Let’s take a look at the following example of a Preliminary (PET) task answer for Writing Part 3, where we can see an answer to the sample task we saw above:

      Cambridge English Preliminary Story Writing Part 3

      In the example above you can see the different parts of a story very well defined. Just like with emails or letters, your story should be visually appealing. For this reason I recommend the following:

      • Write your title in capital letters.
      • Leave a clear space between paragraphs.


      Expressions to use in your story

      In this section, we are going to focus on different expressions you can use in the different parts of a story. While the vocabulary used in the story will vary completely, depending on the topic, there is a set of expressions which you can make use of quite frequently if you memorise them beforehand. Let’s take a look:

      Beginning a story

      When you start a story, if the first sentence isn’t given to you, you can use phrases like these:

      • It all began…
      • When I first…
      • At the beginning…
      • It was a hot/cold summer/winter day. 

      Just to be clear, these are only some simple examples which you can use, as there is no right or wrong way to start a story. That’s the beauty of it! 😍

      Time phrases

      One of the great differences between writing a letter, essay, article and so on, and writing a story is the need to pay careful attention to the time over which the story develops. In order to define the order of the events in the story, we must use time expressions or time phrases. So let’s see a few:

      • Then
      • After that
      • Not long aftewards
      • As soon as
      • While
      • Meanwhile
      • As
      • Some time later
      • A little later
      • ____ minutes later
      • a moment later
      • Later (that morning/afternoon/day/night…)
      • Just then

      It is essential to use these expressions properly. Otherwise, it won’t be clear exactly how the story develops.

      Creating suspense

      When writing a story, the aim is not to inform or to convey information; the real purpose is to entertain the reader, just like when you read a novel you expect to be entertained. For this reason, a story, even a story for Preliminary (PET) Writing Part 3 should aim to do so: entertain. And a cool way to entertain is to create suspense, which we can do by using some of the following expressions:

      • Suddenly
      • All of a sudden
      • Without warning
      • Just at that moment
      • Unexpectedly 
      • Out of the blue
      • Out of nowhere
      • Right away
      • Straight away

      Direct speech

      In every story there are characters and they usually interact with each other, so it is always good if you know how to use direct speech, that is, reproduce the words the characters actually say or think. The tricky bit about this is the punctuation and the verbs to choose, because it’s good to use some verbs other than “say”. Let’s take a look at some examples:

      • I’m coming with you,” she said.
      • She said, “I’m coming with you.”
      • “Do you like it?” he asked. 
      • “Don’t do it!” he screamed. 

      Pay close attention at where the comma (,) or other punctuation marks go (?, !). Also, don’t forget to use inverted commas (“…”) to enclose the direct speech. In British English we normally use single inverted commas (‘…’), but it’s not important so choose the one that suits you best.

      Finishing your story

      This paragraph, the resolution, should be separated from the rest, and it’s a good idea to start it with one of the following expressions:

      • In the end
      • Finally
      • When it was all over
      • Eventually 
      • After everything that happened
      • Luckily

      Again, these are just a few examples. There’s no right or wrong way to conclude a story, as long as it makes sense with the rest of the piece of writing.

      Verb tenses

      One of the reasons why stories are particularly challenging for B1 students is that they tend to take place in the past, which makes it necessary to use a range of past tenses approriately. The main three past tenses you should really try to use are the following:

      • Past simple (-ed/irregular form)
      • Past continuous
      • Past perfect

      If you take a look at the example of Writing Part 3 above, you’ll see how I used these tenses in combination, when possible:

      • Past simple and continuous: 

      It was midnight and I was trying to use. 

      • Past perfect and simple: 

      I had completely forgotten it was my birthday.

      • Past simple: 

      This time I picked up the phone quickly and shouted, “Hello?!”.

      So that’s how you should try to tell your story. Please avoid a simple succession of past simple tenses alone, like:

      I woke up and got out of bed. Then I went to the kitchen and made some coffee.

      It’s not wrong, but it’s just not good enough for a story. 😉


      Another example of Preliminary (PET): Writing Part 3

      Now that we know what expressions we should be using when writing a story and how to combine the different tenses, let’s take another look at another task and a sample answer:

      sample example writing a story part 3 preliminary

      In the story above you can see different things:

      • Well-defined structure: 3 clear paragraphs.
      •  A variety of past tenses: past simple (was tireddidn’t want, etc.), past continuous (was getting offwas sleeping, etc.) and past perfect (had broken, had stopped, etc.).
      • Time expressions: in the endwhen, a few hours later.
      • Suspense elements: all of a sudden, without a warning.

      Top 5 Tips for Preliminary (PET) Writing Part 3 (Story)

      1. Learn, memorise and use some of these expressions. Make sure you already know a set of expressions to use in your next story. This will not only avoid you making mistakes, but also it will make your story so much better! It will give you points to use those expressions.
      2. Write a well-structured and visually-appealing story. One of the things Cambridge English examiners pay attention to is the organisation of your piece writing, so make sure not to write an incoherent story. Also, remember that punctuation matters, so be sure to separate your sentences with stops and commas and don’t write sentences which are too long.
      3. Brainstorm before you write. Before starting to write your story, brainstorm a couple of things and write down some ideas. This can include vocabulary related to the topic, connectors, time phrases, etc. Also, decide before writing how the story is going to end.
      4. Revise, edit and improve. Don’t write all at once and then move on. Once you have finished your story go over it. Look for possible mistakes. Look for ways to improve it, maybe adding adjectives here and there. You can save many points by simply reviewing what you’ve written.
      5. Experiment at home, be conservative in the exam. Homework is the best chance to be creative and experiment with stories. So make sure you try your hardest to keep improving when you write at home. On the other hand, when you’re doing an exam, don’t risk trying out new words or expressions, as you may be making a terrible mistake. So be safe in your exam and stick to what you already know works.


      Did you find this post useful? Very useful? Well, don’t forget to comment and share. And if you love the English language, follow KSE Academy on FacebookTwitterGoogle+YouTubeInstagram and Pinterest. And don’t forget to subscribe to the blog!

      Keep Smiling!

      La entrada Writing the Perfect Story for Preliminary (PET) Writing Part 3 aparece primero en KSE Academy | Academia de inglés.

      from KSE Academy | Academia de inglés http://ift.tt/2lpJ3BI

      Cómo escribir una historia para Preliminary (PET) Writing Part 3

      El examen de Writing de Cambridge English: Preliminary (PET), para B1, tiene 3 partes:

      En este post veremos cómo escribir una historia a nivel B1 para el examen Preliminary (PET – B1). La historia es una de las 2 opciones del Writing Part 3 y, desde mi punto de vista, es la opción mas difícil. Ya vimos cómo escribir un email o una carta, pero aún así tienes que saber cómo escribir bien una historia, así que vamos a ello.

      Preliminary (PET) Writing Part 3 Stories


      ¿Qué hay que hacer en el Writing Part 3?

      En esta parte del examen, se te dan instrucciones para escribir una historia en unas 100 palabras. En las instrucciones puede que se te especifique el título o la primera o última frase de de la historia. ¿Por qué te dan el título o una frase? Probablemente porque si dijeran “escribe una historia”, cualquiera podría memorizar una historia en casa y simplemente escribirla en el examen, lo cual no es ni justo ni fiable.

      Lo bueno de escribir una historia en vez de un email o una carta es que tienes más libertad para escribir. Pero antes de continuar, veamos un ejemplo de Writing Part 3 de un examen de Cambridge English:

      Cambridge English Preliminary Writing Part 3 Story

      ¿Qué es una historia?

      Según OxfordDictionaries.com, una historia es “un relato de eventos de personas imaginarias o reales que se cuenta por entretenimiento”. Precisamente por este motivo, tienes más libertad para escribir, ya que puedes inventarte casi la totalidad de la historia. Pero al igual que cualquier otro tipo de writing, una historia debe seguir una estructura que tenga sentido para el lector. Así que veamos cuáles son las diferentes partes de una historia.

      Partes de una historia

      Por lo general, una historia se puede dividir en las siguientes partes:

      • Título: El título debe resumir la historia completa (¡sin spoilers!) o, al menos, estar relacionado con la temática principal.
      • Presentación: Este es el comienzo de la historia, donde se presentan los personajes y el lugar de la acción. Es, básicamente, la introducción a la siguiente parte, el nudo, y al argumento de la historia.
      • Nudo: En esta parte los personajes se las ven con la acción principal y buscan maneras para resolver el argumento.
      • Desenlace: Aquí es donde la acción se resuelve y la historia concluye con un final, normalmente sin cabos sueltos.

      Ya que conocemos las partes de una historia, veamos un ejemplo.

      Cambridge English: Preliminary (PET) – Writing Part 3: Story

      Veamos el mismo ejemplo de tarea para el Preliminary (PET) Writing Part 3 de antes con una respuesta de ejemplo debajo:

      Cambridge English Preliminary Story Writing Part 3

      En el ejemplo de arriba, se pueden ver claramente todas las partes de una historia muy bien definidas. Al igual que con las cartas y los emails, una historia ha de ser visualmente atractiva. Por este motivo siempre recomiendo esto:

      • Escribe el título en mayúsculas.
      • Deja un espacio entre párrafos muy claro.


      Expresiones para usar en tu historia

      En esta sección nos vamos a centrar en las diferentes expresiones que puedes utilizar en una historia. Aunque el vocabulario de la historia variará completamente según el tema, hay una serie de expresiones que puedes usar muy frecuentemente y las cuales puedes memorizar fácilmente por adelantado. Vamos allá:

      Expresiones para empezar una historia

      Cuando empiezas una historia, y no te han dado la primera oración, puedes utilizar alguna de las siguientes expresiones:

      • It all began… (Todo empezó…)
      • When I first… (La primera vez que yo…)
      • At the beginning… (Al principio…)
      • It was a hot summer/cold winter day.  (Era un cálido/frío día de verano/invierno.)

      Sin embargo, tenemos que tener claro lo siguiente: éstas son solo algunos ejemplos de expresiones que puedes utilizar, y no existe una manera correcta o incorrecta de empezar una historia. ¡Por eso molan tanto las historias! 😍

      Expresiones de tiempo

      Una de las grandes diferencias entre escribir una carta, un ensayo o un artículo, y escribir una historia es la necesidad de prestar mucha atención a la línea temporal en la que se desarrolla la historia. Y para definir el orden de los eventos de la historia debemos usar expresiones o frases de tiempo que nos ayudan a ordenar los hechos. Veamos unos ejemplos:

      • Then (Entonces)
      • After that (Después de eso)
      • Not long aftewards (Poco después)
      • As soon as (En cuanto)
      • While (Mientras)
      • Meanwhile (Mientras tanto)
      • As (Mientras)
      • Some time later (Algo después)
      • A little later (Poco después)
      • ____ minutes later (___ minutos más tarde)
      • a moment later (un momento más tarde)
      • Later (that morning/afternoon/day/night…) (Más tarde esa misma mañana/ese mismo día, etc.)
      • Just then (Justo entonces)

      Es esencial usar estas expresiones apropiadamente. Si no las utilizas o no las utilizas bien, no quedará claro cómo se desarrolla la historia y puede dar lugar a confusión.

      Expresiones para crear suspense

      Cuando escribimos una historia, el objetivo no es informar, el objetivo real es entretener al lector, al igual que cuando se lee una novela. Por este motivo, una historia, incluso una historia corta como la del Preliminary (PET) Writing Part 3 debería intentar entretener, aunque no seamos ningún Tolkien ni Cervantes. Y una buena manera de generar suspense y dinamismo es utilizando alguna de las siguientes expresiones:

      • Suddenly (De repente)
      • All of a sudden (De repente)
      • Without warning (Sin previo aviso)
      • Just at that moment (Justo en ese momento)
      • Unexpectedly (Inesperadamente)
      • Out of the blue (Inesperadamente)
      • Out of nowhere (Por sorpresa)
      • Right away (Directamente)
      • Straight away (Directamente)

      Estilo directo

      En toda historia hay personajes que interactúan entre ellos, por lo que siempre es bueno si sabes cómo utilizar el estilo directo, es decir, reproducir las palabras de los personajes exactamente como las dicen o piensan. El problema aquí es la puntuación y los verbos a utilizar, porque es bueno utilizar otros verbos que no sean “say”. Veamos algunos ejemplos:

      • I’m coming with you,” she said.
      • She said, “I’m coming with you.”
      • “Do you like it?” he asked. 
      • “Don’t do it!” he screamed. 

      Presta mucha atención a dónde van la coma (,) y los otros signos de puntuación (?, !). Además, no te olvides de usar dobles comillas (“…”) para delimitar el estilo directo. En inglés británico se suele utilizar comillas simples (‘…’), pero no importa si usas comillas dobles o simples, según prefieras.

      Finalizando la historia

      Este párrafo, el desenlace, debería estar separado del nudo, y es una buena idea, además, empezar con alguna de las siguientes expresiones:

      • In the end (Al final)
      • Finally (Al final)
      • When it was all over (Cuando todo había acabado)
      • Eventually (Finalmente)
      • After everything that happened (Después de todo lo que había pasado)
      • Luckily (Afortunadamente)

      De nuevo, ten en cuenta que estos son solo unos cuantos ejemplos. No hay una manera correcta o incorrecta de concluir una historia, siempre y cuando tenga sentido con el resto del writing.

      Tiempos verbales

      Una de las razones por las que las historias pueden resultar difíciles para los estudiantes de B1 es que las historias tienen a tener lugar en el pasado, por lo cual es necesario utilizar una variedad de tiempos verbales pasados apropiadamente. Los tres tiempos verbales pasados principales que debes dominar son los siguientes:

      • Pasado simple (-ed/irregular form)
      • Pasado continuo
      • Pasado perfecto

      Si echas un vistazo al ejemplo de Writing Part 3 más arriba, verás cómo se han utilizado esos tiempos verbales de manera combinada, cuando ha sido posible. Veamos:

      • Pasado simple y continuo: 

      It was midnight and I was trying to use. 

      • Pasado perfecto y simple:

      I had completely forgotten it was my birthday.

      • Pasado simple:

      This time I picked up the phone quickly and shouted, “Hello?!”.

      Y así es como deberías plantear tu propia historia. Es importante que evites simplemente narrar una sucesión de eventos de la siguiente forma:

      I woke up and got out of bed. Then I went to the kitchen and made some coffee.

      No es que sea incorrecto, pero no es lo suficientemente bueno para una historia😉


      Otro ejemplo de Preliminary (PET): Writing Part 3

      Ahora que hemos visto qué tipo de expresiones deberíamos estar utilizando para escribir una historia y cómo combinar los tiempos verbales, veamos otro ejemplo de respuesta:

      sample example writing a story part 3 preliminary

      Si nos fijamos bien en la historia, veremos lo siguiente:

      • 3 párrafos bien definidos.
      • Una variedad de tiempos verbales en pasado: pasado simple (was tireddidn’t want, etc.), pasado continuo (was getting offwas sleeping, etc.) y pasado perfecto (had broken, had stopped, etc.).
      • Expresiones de tiempo: in the endwhen, a few hours later.
      • Expresiones para crear suspense: all of a sudden, without a warning.

      5 consejos para el Writing Part 3 del Preliminary (PET) (Historia)

      1. Aprender, memoriza y utiliza algunas de las expresiones. Asegúrate de conocer una lista de expresiones que puedas utilizar en tu próxima historia. Esto te ayudará a cometer menos fallos y hará que tu historia sea mucho mejor. ¡Utilizar estas expresiones te dará puntos positivos!
      2. Escribe una historia bien estructurada y visualmente atractiva. Una de las cosas a la que los examinadores de Cambridge van a prestar atención es a la organización de tu writing, así que procura que no sea una historia incoherente. Además, recuerda que la puntuación es importante, así que separa tus oraciones con puntos y comas y no escribas oraciones demasiado largas.
      3. Haz una lluvia de ideas antes de escribir. Antes de empezar tu historia, escribe algunas ideas sobre cómo va a desarrollarse la historia. También puedes escribir palabras que quieras utilizar, conectores, expresiones de tiempo, etc. Además, antes de empezar a escribir, ten claro cómo va a acabar la historia.
      4. Revisa, edita y mejora. No escribas todo de golpe y luego pases a otra cosa. Cuando hayas terminado de escribir, revisa la historia y busca posibles errores, maneras de mejorarlo (añadiendo adjetivos, etc.). Puedes evitar perder puntos tontamente simplemente revisando lo que has escrito.
      5. Experimenta en casa, no en el examen. Los deberes son la mejor ocasión para que te pongas creativ@ y experimentes con diferentes historias. Asegúrate de que intentas mejorar todo lo posible en casa. Cuando vayas al examen, no arriesgues con palabras nuevas ni expresiones, ya que puede que te estés equivocando. Así que en el examen utiliza aquello que lleves seguro.


      Y si te ha resultado útil este post, por favor, comenta y comparte. No te olvides de seguir nuestra academia de inglés en Granada en FacebookTwitterPinterestGoogle+ y YouTube, y subscríbete al blog para no perderte ningún post. 😊

      La entrada Cómo escribir una historia para Preliminary (PET) Writing Part 3 aparece primero en KSE Academy | Academia de inglés.

      from KSE Academy | Academia de inglés http://ift.tt/2lUTBGt

      Thursday, February 16, 2017

      Dance Crew Announcement

      Have you ever found a dance video and just wish you had the ability to move like that? Come to introductory meeting for the ISB HS Hip-hop dance crew on Monday February 20th at 11:50 (during lunch) at the Dome 2F Studio to find out how we can help make your wish come true! Hip-hop dance can be about showcasing the freedom of style, thought, and emotion through movements that can be powerful or smooth. This club would serve as a gathering point for those who are passionate about hip-hop dance from beginners to advanced. Those who never came in contact with hip-hop will have a chance to learn in and possibly grow to love it. Those who are already proficient at it will be able to learn new things about the style, further improve their skills, and even help inexperienced dancers learn.

      If you can't make it to the meeting but is still interested, please contact Kevin Zong at kaiqi.zong@student.isb.bj.edu.cn or Mina Kang (Grade 10) mina.kang01@student.isb.bj.edu.cn for more details.

      from Finalsite Academy News http://ift.tt/2lcEGYh

      Magicians wanted!

      Dear HS teachers and students,

      We are 3 elementary students in Mr. Fraser's class, 3rd grade. We are doing a magic trick in genius hour. We need some help with our magic tricks. Usually we work on our projects on day A and D from 2 o'clock to 3 o'clock. Please contact our teacher, Mr. Fraser. Email: tfraser@isb.bj.edu.cn.

      Thank you for your help.

      from Finalsite Academy News http://ift.tt/2lnEAQ3

      Daily Schedule (February 16)

      Today is Day A - 2

      from Finalsite Academy News http://ift.tt/2lnCIH7

      Message from MS Nurse office

      The nurse has been seeing middle school students who seemed to have viral infection to the stomach (Stomach flu/gastroenteritis). It is like a cold in stomach. You have diarrhea, vomiting and/or stomachache. If you get stomach flu, you will feel sick for one or two days and get better without any special treatment. If you have diarrhea or vomiting at home, please stay at home.

      *Please wash your hands frequently.

      *If you have diarrhea or vomiting at home, please stay at home.

      Please come back to school if you don't have any symptoms. ( You can digest food without vomiting and diarrhea.)

      *If you have diarrhea or vomit at school, please see a nurse.

      from Finalsite Academy News http://ift.tt/2lpixrY

      MS STUCO Assembly Helpers

      The STUCO people that have a role in Monday's Assembly please see Mr Fidler at Morning Break today.

      from Finalsite Academy News http://ift.tt/2kDQell

      High School Transition Night

      High School Transition Night

      Moving up! Moving over! Moving on! Come learn more about what moving into high school entails. The Moving to High School Transition Night is Thursday, February 23rd and will begin at 6:30pm in the theater. Please come and bring your parents to hear about the high school program and what to expect next year. Afterwards, there will be a course fair where you can meet some of the HS teachers and learn about the different courses offered. The event will end at 8:30pm. We hope to see everyone there!

      from Finalsite Academy News http://ift.tt/2kDErni

      Wednesday, February 15, 2017

      Daily Schedule (February 16)

      Today is Day A - 2

      from Finalsite Academy News http://ift.tt/2llpE4C

      Fairies wanted!

      Fairies wanted! Mrs. Fidler, teacher of Prek 3 children, would like to buy any small fairy dolls for her classroom. She will buy as many as she can get. If you have any at home that you do not want any more, please bring them to Mrs. Fidler in room 2510 for cash! Or email her at kfidler@isb.bj.edu.cn for questions.

      from Finalsite Academy News http://ift.tt/2ljxagD

      Friday Flex Time

      Please note that this Friday's Flex Time will be with Mentoring -- not your ELO groups.

      from Finalsite Academy News http://ift.tt/2l9sIP1

      Join the Wushu Team

      Do you enjoy punching paddles and learning much-needed self-defense techniques? If so, the Wushu team's Tuesday Kickboxing sessions are just the thing for you. Join us at the FTC Upper Dance Studio on Tuesdays 4:30 - 6:00pm to blow off some steam. All ages welcome; no prior experience in boxing, wushu or advanced electronic theory is needed.

      from Finalsite Academy News http://ift.tt/2liZkZq

      ISB Wushu team

      Do you enjoy punching paddles, learning much-needed self-defense techniques, or just want an excuse to punch an annoying friend? If so, the Wushu team's Tuesday Kickboxing sessions are just the thing for you. Join us at the upper studio Tuesdays 4:30 - 6:00 to blow off some steam. All ages welcome; no prior experience in boxing, wushu or advanced electronic theory is needed.

      from Finalsite Academy News http://ift.tt/2l9AxVc

      Calling ALL DANCERS!

      Food for Thought.... because We Care!

      Food for Thought.... because We Care!

      Noodles Sale!

      This week, come and enjoy a hot and fresh Noodle Bowl!

      Date: Thursday and Friday , Feb. 16-17

      Time: From 12:30-1:05PM

      Place: MS Cafeteria

      Price: 15RMB per bowl (Noodles + Veggie); Each option of the siding ingredients will be additional 2RMB.

      All benefits will go to the animal shelter.

      MS Roots & Shoots

      We Are Not Toys!

      Video Link: http://ift.tt/2lj0IeC

      from Finalsite Academy News http://ift.tt/2l9nFyo

      Try-outs for Year Round Swimming Academy

      We have our try-outs for the second session of the year round swimming academy on Monday Feb 20th and Friday Feb 24th.For more details, please click below links:




      from Finalsite Academy News http://ift.tt/2ljcENj

      Attention to all Seniors

      To all Seniors:

      Please come to the HS office to collect your Graduation Individual Photo Order Form ASAP.

      from Finalsite Academy News http://ift.tt/2lglGLb

      Tuesday, February 14, 2017

      3 Dermal Filler Myths

      This post first appeared on Beautiful Canadian Laser & Skin Care Clinic.

      The thought of injecting dermal fillers to make your skin smoother may scare you, but you shouldn’t feel that way. There may already be a number of myths that you have heard about dermal fillers that caused you to not consider having this treatment, but let me debunk some of those for you. Myth: Cosmetic […]

      The post 3 Dermal Filler Myths appeared first on Beautiful Canadian Laser & Skin Care Clinic.

      from Beautiful Canadian Laser & Skin Care Clinic http://ift.tt/2lJ4n5S

      Come watch the TALENT SHOW!!!

      If you don't know already, the TALENT SHOW IS RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER!!!!! It will be held in the Theater on Friday from 6:30-9:00PM. Tickets are ridiculously cheap: 10RMB!! So if you have not purchased a ticket already, please do so! Tickets will be sold at the table next to the DeliMarche. However, you can also buy a ticket from member of the Sophomore STUCO (Sung Cho, Justin Choi, Keith Leung, Sunny Lee) when you see us in the hallways! (or if you have class with any of us)

      Also, please please please, do your family and friends a favor and buy them some tickets: they'll thank you later! We strongly encourage audiences of all ages to come along and have some fun!!

      Remember this: Theatre, 6:30-9:00PM, 10RMB, talented people, and TONS OF FUN TO WATCH!!

      Thank you, hope to see you all there!!

      Keith Leung

      Sophomore Public Relations Officer

      from Finalsite Academy News http://ift.tt/2lhuIXw

      AQI 290: Level 3

      MS/HS recesses, ASA's and Sports only with modification.

      from Finalsite Academy News http://ift.tt/2leJLlt

      Kidsread reminder






      from Finalsite Academy News http://ift.tt/2lhiDSv

      Real-World Learning with Robots

      Grade 4 students explored the fascinating world of artificial intelligence on February 10 in an educational demonstration featuring seven robots.

      from Finalsite Academy News http://ift.tt/2l2VsZZ

      Monday, February 13, 2017

      ASA Session Registration

      Registration closes on Monday, Feb 20 @12:00 noon.

      Click here for full details and signup.

      from Finalsite Academy News http://ift.tt/2kEILmR


      Hello world. Codelympians is a competitive programming club where students will be able compete with each other and even attend competitive events. With so many software companies and motivated programmers competing against each other, this is a great way to prepare for the "real world" competition in the future. Competitive events that we will attend include game jams and hackathons, both of which are events in which groups of people compete in creating the most interesting games or solving algorithmic challenges in a set period of time. Sounds cool? Please contact Andrew Liu (andy.liu@student.isb.bj.edu.cn) or Tom Jiao (tom.jiao@student.isb.bj.edu.cn) if you are interested in joining. You can attend our meetings on Thursdays, from 3:30 to 4:30 in room 1733.

      from Finalsite Academy News http://ift.tt/2kEHagU

      Flex Time This Week

      Tuesday - Study Hall

      Thursday - Mentoring

      Friday - Mentoring

      from Finalsite Academy News http://ift.tt/2kqIbsj

      Daily Schedule (February 14)

      Today is Day E - 1

      from Finalsite Academy News http://ift.tt/2kl3nEF

      BE A SWEETHEART!!!-updated

      Hope you remembered your money because the MS Habitat For Humanities Valentine's Themed Bake Sale is here! Prices range from 5-15 yuan so be prepared to buy more than one treat! We will be located in the cafeteria by Deli Marché. Some of the amazing treats we are selling: peanut butter balls, chocolate covered snacks (Oreos, pretzels and so on...)

      When you buy a treat, you are supporting HFH and helping people in need of housing.

      from Finalsite Academy News http://ift.tt/2l1G0wX

      Message from Track and Field coaches

      MS Track and Field will practice in the Dome Tuesday (14Feb2017) and Thursday (16Feb2017). Please arrive at 3:30PM ready for an AMAZING practice!

      MS T&F Coaches

      from Finalsite Academy News http://ift.tt/2kMQB0k

      Calling Grade 8 Dancers

      Calling Grade 8 Dancers (Only open to grade 8 students with previous dance or performance experience)

      What: Hip Hop Master Dance Class with Guest Artist, Ivan

      Sponsoring Group: Blue Fire Dance Team

      When: Feb. 16 and Feb 17

      Time: 3:45-5:45 PM

      Venue: Lower Dance Studio, Dome

      If interested, sign up at Blue Fire Dance Team Outside Room 1112.

      For inquiries, contact Ms. Yemetin at CYamatin@isb.bj.edu.cn

      from Finalsite Academy News http://ift.tt/2l1UmO9

      Math Counts Hong Kong Team Members

      Math Counts Hong Kong Team Members please remember to bring your passport to Mrs. Williams or Mr. Craig today! We will see you at lunch in the FA for our last practice!

      from Finalsite Academy News http://ift.tt/2kMQJNx


      MEETING ON Wednesday, MS. PATTY'S ROOM 3405, 11AM







      from Finalsite Academy News http://ift.tt/2l1Fmj8