Monday, July 17, 2017

When To Pay More And Get Less Home

You never want to pay more and get less home than you have to. Right? Typically, that makes total sense. Everyone likes a deal, too. A blue light special, red dot sale or maybe a clearance rack are places where bargain hunters love to move in for a kill. Many people think that when buying a home it is crucial to get as much bang for your buck as possible. Hard to argue with that, for sure.  So they start to crunch numbers and look at price per square foot. They ask their 70 year old parents for their opinion and shockingly the parents also tell them to be frugal, get a great deal, find a nice neighborhood and make sure the house is perfect in every way…

pay more houseWait, times change. Not everyone wants a big house, a 2 story with a white picket fence “out in the country” for $80 per square foot. Some people actually prefer to spend more for a smaller home in a more “convenient” location for many reasons.

I’m reminded of this “bigger isn’t always better” article where our friends at talked about people wanting a more intimate space for their family. A shorter commute, a place where you know your neighbors, etc. We’ve seen lots of people pay $200, $300, $400 per square foot for a home in a neighborhood they love and pass up a place just 30 minutes further away with a much lower price per square foot for a simple reason:  It’s not close to where they want to live, work and play.

We fully understand that not everyone has a Billion $ budget for a home, but it seems like more and more, we are reminded that the whole, location, location, location thing still holds true.

Of course, we know that there will always be the people who say that size does matter, so we’ll leave those kinds of decisions up to you…

Just remember that we’re here to help you with any size or type of home in the Phoenix metro area.

    Originally posted on Phoenix Real Estate Guy. If you are reading this anywhere but inside your RSS feed reader or your email client, the site you are on is guilty of stealing content.

    (c) Copyright Jay Thompson. All Rights Reserved.

    from The Phoenix Real Estate Guy

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