Friday, September 7, 2018

Selling – Should I Stage My House?

What is Staging?

You hear that staging your house to sell is important but what even is staging?  I have an out of state investor who was having his investment property staged last week (isn’t it stunning?!).  The cleaner who was frantically putting the sparkling touches on the home before the stagers arrived asked me, “What is staging?”  It’s easy to get wrapped up in our world of real estate and think that EVERYONE knows what a staging is.  If you’ve heard that term but don’t exactly know what it means, you’re not alone.  And I’m sorry for speaking REALTOR to you.  Barbara Schwartz, President of the International Association of Home Staging Professionals, defines it this way:

Staging is preparing the home for sale so that the buyer can mentally move in.

Staging can be a wide range of things.  A professional stager can use your personal items and make recommendations of what to move or remove, etc.  Or they can go so far as bringing in whole truckloads of furnishings, art, decorations, etc. that you rent for a couple of months while you show the house.

Why is Staging My House to Sell Important?

Staging allows the buyer to start fall in love with your home…even before seeing it in person!  In a 2017 study by the National Association of Realtors, 77% of buyer’s agents say that staging allows the buyer to visualize your property as their future home, 40% said buyers are more willing to view the property in person after seeing online, and 38% said that it positively impacted the home value if decorated to the buyers’ taste.  Those are things you want as a seller!

The National Association of Exclusive Buyer Agents (NAEBA), which surveyed brokers and agents, found that 82% of home buyers are likely to be distracted from important issues when they go through a staged home. These buyers not only fall for the house, but potentially overpay.

Can I Stage My House Myself?

Of course, that’s always an option.  The question to ask yourself is, “Is that the best use of my time?” AND more importantly, “Is that in my skill set or would hiring a professional be a better option?”  Staging your house with items that are classic, trendy, luxurious vs. using a hodgepodge of items you already have or pick up at yard sales will make a significant difference.  Some people just have *that eye* and I think it’s best to leave the staging up to the professionals.  There are some really great staging companies locally who offer very reasonable pricing.  Ask your favorite REALTOR (me!) for recommendations and then take a look at their portfolios to see if you like their style.  Most will have packages with different options and they are happy to offer a free quote.

What Should I Stage?

If you can’t afford the investment of staging the whole house, that’s OK!  Staging some specific areas will have the biggest impact.  Statistics show that the best rooms to be staged are the living room, the kitchen, and finally the master bedroom.  If you have a great outdoor space highlighting it is a good option, too.  And don’t forget the entry with a new, inviting welcome mat!  The secondary rooms are lowest on the list.  Small accessories in the kitchen and bathrooms make a big impact, too.

I’ve included the professional photos before and after staging.  Same awesome photographer.  Aren’t they amazing?  The house is stunning anyway but the staging just adds the warmth and appeal to draw you in.

If you’re thinking of selling your Phoenix area home, we can help!  Feel free to call/text Shar Rundio at 480.560.7255 or you can email me at

    Originally posted on Phoenix Real Estate Guy. If you are reading this anywhere but inside your RSS feed reader or your email client, the site you are on is guilty of stealing content.

    (c) Copyright Jay Thompson. All Rights Reserved.

    from The Phoenix Real Estate Guy

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