Friday, December 14, 2018

Student Accommodation in Madrid

Going to study abroad in sunny Spain? Great decision, really. Spain is a great country for foreign students who want to perfect their Spanish or simply study a degree in one of its great universities, especially the capital, Madrid. So if you’re wondering where to live in Madrid, whether to choose a students’ residence or rather a flat, let me save you the trouble: your student accommodation in Madrid should be a residence for students. No, seriously, hear me out.

student accommodation madrid

Save yourself time and worries

Looking for a flat in Madrid is an absolute nightmare. And I’m not even talking about looking for a flat as a foreigner. Locals and other Spanish students find it terribly difficult to find a suitable price for a flat, let alone all the paperwork you need to undergo in order to move into a flat. With a students’ residence you will be saving yourself a whole lot of trouble. Simply focus on what matters: enjoy the experience and learn some Spanish. That’s it.

Meet students like yourself

Now, you intent to live and study abroad in Madrid. Cool. Honestly, it can be quite the experience, but you ought to make sure you do it with the right people, that is, people your age with similar interests. If you decide to pick a students’ residence as your accommodation for your year abroad, I can assure you you won’t regret it. A bustling city like Madrid will offer everything you need to have fun, especially if you’re sharing your time with peers. And in a students’ hall you’re likely to meet people from all over the world, including Spaniards with whom to gain linguistic fluency and confidence.

Meals provided

Ha! I bet you don’t want to spend your time cooking. You probably don’t even know how to, be honest… Well, one of the coolest things about some students’ residences in Madrid is that they provide their students with the necessary meals. Some even have gluten-free diets and cater for vegetarian preferences. How awesome is that? I mean, I’m not a vegetarian myself, but come on… nowadays offering vegetarian meals this is a must!

Cleanliness is next to godliness

Students can be gross. Bam, I said it. I myself have lived in several shared flats with students and O-M-G. They (we) can be lazy as hell. This basically means that a students’ flat can quickly turn into a real pigsty. Yuk! Do you really want to have to deal with that? Wouldn’t you want to save yourself the trouble? I definitely would, and actually I did. Go for a residence if you want to avoid unpleasant situations in your own accommodation.

Organised trips and activities

Finally, another great thing about many students halls in Madrid is the fact that they have an activities programme designed to provide their students with the chances to travel around Madrid and Spain, hence getting to know the country and its people better. And believe me, in a country like Spain, this is definitely worth it. Spain is much more than sun and beach. So make sure you go on some organised trips and participate in some activities. You will have a blast and will never forget your stay in Madrid.

La entrada Student Accommodation in Madrid aparece primero en KSE Academy | Academia de inglés.

from KSE Academy | Academia de inglés

1 comment:

  1. A lot of aspiring students go to foreign universities for studies and the main aim of them is to secure good grades & skills, get the degree and have better future. For this students shouldn’t have any unnecessary stress and have all the time to focus on their studies. The main issue which stresses the students is a comfortable place to live and this becomes all the more difficult with so many providers. Get your Student Accommodation booked beforehand. well for more information please feel free to check this link-:
    student accommodation london
