Monday, February 6, 2017

10 Love Idioms for Valentine’s Day

Oh, la la! C’est l’amour! Yes, it’s that time of the year already. That time when everyone (not really!) goes crazy and starts buying flowers, cards, chocolates and other sweet or cheesy stuff to show their partner how much they love them. Because the rest of the year doesn’t count, right? 😂  Anyway, Valentine’s Day is just around the corner and, as you know, at KSE Academy (Granada), we love idioms! And, because we love idioms, we’re bringing you 10 love idioms to celebrate St Valentine’s Day! ❤️❤️❤️ Yippeeee!

10 love idioms for valentine's day


Love at first sight

Awwww! How romantic! If we say “it was love at first sight”, we mean that we fell in love with each other right on the spot, as soon as we met. Some people don’t even believe this is possible, yet this love idiom is extremely famous! What about you? Do you believe in love at first sight?

love idioms: love at first sight


A: So how did you two meet?

B: Well, it was love at first sight, really.

Fall head over heels in love with someone

This idiomatic expression is used when someone falls in love with another person very deeply and suddenly. I’m sure you’ve had this feeling sometime, right? You can also omit “in love” and simply say “fall head over heels for someone”. 😍

love idiom: fall head over heels in love with someone


As soon as I got to know him better, I fell head over heels in love with him.

It didn’t take them long to fall head over heels for each other.

Have the hots for someone

Okay, this one’s not as romantic as most other love idioms. If you “have the hots for someone”, you feel sexually attracted to someone, though not necessarily in love. But hey, loving someone implies having the hots for them, right? 😂

love idiom: to have the hots for someone


A: Do you think Mary likes Jack?

B: Of course! She totally has the hots for him!

A blind date

A “blind date” is the typical thing that you see in the movies but not in real life, at least not in Spain. This idiomatic expression refers to a date you have with someone who you haven’t met beforehand. Cool, huh? I don’t think so! I’d need a bit of a background check to go on a date with someone! 🤔

love idioms: a blind date


A: Do you have any plans for this weekend?

B: Actually, Susan set me up on a blind date with one of her best friends.

Those three little words

This love idiom is a way of referring to the following three words: “I love you“.  It’s a very common way of talking about that sentence, which in movies people find so hard to say 😅.

love idioms: those three little words


You two have been going out for a while now, right? Is it serious? Have you said those three little words yet?

Love me, love my dog

Here’s my favourite. If you love someone and you want to be with them forever, you need to accept them as they come; you ought to love them for what they are, accepting their good things and their flaws! Basically, if you love me, you gotta love my dog, too!

love idioms: love me, love my dog


Lily and I broke up because she wanted to change who I am and I just couldn’t do it. You know: love me, love my dog!


I love this idiom! When you call a couple “lovebirds” it’s because they are showing how much they love each other in public, maybe by kissing, hugging, holding hands, etc. It’s a nice way of referring of a couple.

love idiom: lovebirds


Awww! Look at those two lovebirds over there. Aren’t they just a beautiful couple?

Pop the question

If your partner pops the question, it means he/she is asking you to get married, he/she’s proposing. This love idiom has been around for some years now, although it wasn’t always used for proposing; it used to refer simply to asking an important question.

love idioms: pop the question


After several years together, he finally decided to pop the question. And she said yes, of course!

Tie the knot

Aaaaawwwww! So cute! If you and your partner “tie the knot” it means you’re getting married (finally! 😂). The origin of this cute expression may be in “the Celtic marriage ceremony of handfasting, where the hands of the bride and groom were tied together for a marriage “contract” of one year plus one day that the newlyweds promised to stay together prior to the marriage becoming “legal.”  If the husband and wife decided at that point they were not for each other, they would part. If not, the marriage was then forever.” Aaawwwwww!

love idiom: tie the knot


Having popped the question, they decided to tie the knot after five months.

Someone’s better half

In Spanish, we typically say “my half orange” (mi media naranja), to refer to the person we love, our husband or wife. In English, it’s more common to say “my better half”, when you want to talk about such person, typically a spouse. I personally like this love idiom very much, hehe. I must a helpless romantic!

love idiom: someone's better half


A: Are you finally going to buy this car?

B: Well, I have to take it up with my better half first.

So do you have any cool, romantic plans for this coming 14th February? Are you celebrating Valentine’s Day with that special someone? That’s another idiom, by the way. I hope you have a very romantic day!

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Keep Smiling!

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