Sunday, September 3, 2017

Personality Adjectives with Game of Thrones

There is no doubt at this point that Game of Thrones is one of the greatest series of all time. The way we await each episode, full of anticipation, the feeling we are left with at the end of each one, and the never-ending hype are clear proof of this success. However, Game of Thrones, just like any other good show, is not only a show for us, English teachers, but a source of useful and effective learning material. So in today’s post, I am going to teach you a range of advanced personality adjectives in English through some of the most relevant characters of Game of Thrones. Please, feel free to download these pictures with personality adjectives to describe people and their actions.

SPOILER ALERT 03/09/2017: If you haven’t watched all 7 seasons of Game of Thrones, this post might contain some spoilers. 😅

Advanced Personality Adjectives with Game of Thrones

Arya Stark: Adamant

If we say that someone is “adamant”, we are saying that someone refuses to be persuaded or to change their mind. As we know at this point, Arya is adamant in her pursuit of revenge. The word “adamant” refers to someone’s determination to achieve something, being temporary rather than a permanent state.

Bran Stark: Wise

As you know by now, Brandon Stark has become the Three-Eyed Raven, thus being able to see everything in the present and the past. For this reason, he has become extremely “wise”, being able to make sensible choices based on experiences, knowledge and good judgement.

Brienne of Tarth: Loyal

Being “loyal” means to show firm and constant support to someone, which is exactly what Brienne of Tarth has done by supporting and protecting Arya and Sansa Stark after swearing allegiance to their mother, Catelyin Stark.

Bronn: Opportunistic

Now here’s one of my favourite characters: Ser Bronn of the Blackwater. Bronn used to be no one and now he’s an anointed knight thanks to his ability to make the most of every opportunity, which is being “opportunistic”.

Cercei Lannister: Ruthless

Cercei Lannister is probably the toughest character in the whole series as regards achieving one’s aims. So you can say that she is “ruthless”, as she shows no compassion for others in achieving her ends.

Daenerys Targaryen: Determined

As we all know, Daenerys’ whole purpose is to take back the Seven Kingdoms, which were usurped from her family. She has wanted this and worked towards this aim since almost the beginning of the show, so we can say that she is “determined”, as she will not stop until she reaches her goal.

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Ser Davos: Diplomatic

Being “diplomatic” is probably what has made Ser Davos become a valued companion of other important characters like Stannis Baratheon or Jon Snow. One of his ability includes being able to deal with people or mediate in a sensitive and tactful way.

Gregor Clegane “The Mountain”: Bloodthirsty

The Mountain is terrifying, especially since his vicious fight with Oberyn. His bloody eyes only make him look more “bloodthirsty”, that is, showing desire to kill or maim others.

Hodor: Thick

Poor Hodor. I miss him. I miss him despite how “thick” he was depicted, being far from intelligent or clever.

Jaime Lannister: Charming

Jaime Lannister is one of these characters who we have come to appreciate more a more as seasons have gone by. One of his obvious positive traits is how “charming” he is, and not only physically. In the last few seasons, he has become more pleasant and likeable, apart from his obvious physical charm.

Joffrey Baratheon: Callous

If there’s one death I really didn’t mind in this show, that’s Joffrey’s. He used to be so “callous”, being insensitive and cruel with others, that we wanted him dead anyway, right?

Jon Snow: Heroic

We all love good, old Jon Snow, don’t we? I mean, there are many things that make us like his personality. He’s honest, sympathetic and reliable, but if there’s something that really stands out from his character it’s his “heroic” personality, which means that he is admirably brave and determined, especially in difficult times.

Jorah Mormont: Valiant

Remember Jorah? So obviously in love with Daenerys that he’d do anything for her. In fact, in doing so he has proven a “valiant” character, which means he is a courageous and determined warrior, willing to do anything to protect his Khaleesi.

Melisandre: Beguiling

This woman – the Red Witch – is remarkably smart and dangerous, in my opinion. She gets away with her desires by being charming in a deceptive way. In other words, she misleads people in order to fulfil her ambitions. We could say she is “beguiling”.

Petyr Baelish “Little Finger”: Cunning

Little Finger has been an interesting and crucial character in Game of Thrones’ convoluted plot. In fact, he’s been one of the characters working in the shadows to pursue his ambitions. He’s done everything by being “cunning”, that is, deceitful and evasive.

Podrick: Humble

Podrick may not be one of the key characters in Game of Thrones, at least not so far, but he’s a likeable guy, isn’t he? I think what makes most of us like him is how “humble” he is despite being corageous and hard-working. He is modest and doesn’t think much of himself.

Samwell Tarly: Trustworthy

Despite Sam’s disastrous beginnins in the Night’s Watch, he hasn’t let anyone down since he first appeared. He is “trustworthy”, which means he is honest, truthful and reliable. Okay, maybe he let his father down by not being a great swordsman, but he has other important skills, doesn’t he?

Sandor Clegane “The Hound”: Bad-tempered

Some of my favourite dialogues in the whole show were the conversations between Arya Stark and The Hound. And I loved it when Sandor Clegane would get annoyed by anything she said or did. He is terribly “bad-tempered” although I have the feeling that he is in for great things in the show. Or not, who knows?

Sansa Stark: Courageous

Where’s the young, fearful, naïve teenager from the first two seasons? Nowhere to be seen any more! Sansa has grown up and has developed a “courageous” personality. She’s now really brave and confident to do what needs to be done, like, say, sentence Little Finger to death as Lady of Winterfell.

Theon Greyjoy: Timorous

Though I think Theon won’t remain “timorous” the rest of the show, since Ramsay Bolton chopped off his manhood he has behaved rather nervously and lacking confidence, hasn’t he?

Tyrion Lannister: Shrewd

Ha! Now to one of our favourites: Tyrion Lannister. His short stature has no doubt made him develop other skills to keep alive and be of use to his family and now to the Mother of Dragons. He is capable of analysing every situation in order for the outcome to be in his advantage. He is, we would say, “shrewd”.

Tywin Lannister: Cold-blooded

The Lannisters would not be such a powerful family without this man’s intelligence and cruelty. He does what needs to be done, without emotion or pity, and often being cruel or callous. He even wanted to kill his own son, Tyrion. I mean, Cercei really takes after him, doesn’t she? They are both “cold-blooded”.

Varys: Devious

Varys, a.k.a. the Spider, has not been around much in this last season, but he is still really important to the whole story. He is smart, like Tyrion. However, unlike Tyrion, he comes from a much humbler background. So he’s managed to move up in society by using underhand tactics to achieve his goals, that is, by being “devious” and secretive.

Hope you enjoyed this post as much as I’ve enjoyed writing it. I am sure now you can use more advanced adjectives of personality in order to describe people better!

Are you a Game of Thrones fan like me? Who’s your favourite character and why? Let me know in the comments if you agree with my descriptions of them. And don’t forget to share this with your friends!

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