Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Giving Tuesday Shows Holiday Spirit

By now, you’ve seen a lot of talk about Giving Tuesday. People from all walks of life come togeter to participate in “an international day of giving at the beginning of the Christmas and holiday season.” In my opinion, the holiday season tends to get WAY too commercialized. #GivingTuesday is a great way to focus on helping others, helping the needy, helping to make the world a better place. Lord knows we can use more kindness and more compassion.

While many choices exist for people to participate in #GivingTuesday, I would ask you to join me in supporting my friends at the Tempe Community Action Agency.

Giving Tuesday DoGooder

Help TCAA on Giving Tuesday:

Here’s what the TCAA Giving Tuesday Facebook page has to say about this day:

Today is the day to become a TCAA DoGooder! Donate any amount, post a picture of you along with #GivingTuesday and #TCAADoGooder written on anything! You can donate directly from our Facebook Page! Just click the Donate button near the top of the page. Help us reach our goal of $5000 in one day!
EXCITING NEWS!!!!! A charitable donation to TCAA on #GivingTuesday (Nov. 28, 2017) will go TWICE as far thanks to a matching grant from
the Steven & Lois Mihaylo Family Foundation. On #GivingTuesday, instead of $10 providing 40 meals, your $10 gift can provide 80 meals to Tempe children, families and seniors in need.” Donate to TCAA here:

Many Ways To Help on Giving Tuesday:

Even if you can’t donate money, you may be able to donate your time or your kindness.

Check out this great example of giving back to our community from a Warner Ranch resident. This was a message from our local NextDoor community and it made my day this past weekend.

Hello Nick,
I’ve seen your posts re: TCAA. My family and I have volunteered at their toy drive when it was at IKEA.
My son Jordan, age 21, bought 3 Amazon Fire tablets for the drive. He remembered when he was a “personal shopper” at the drive that the older kids/teens toys were the most needed.
Since you live near us, can he drop them off at your home or would you rather pick them up at our home?

How cool is that!?!?

So, have a great day. Do some good and help some people out. Afterall, that’s never something you will regret. Happy holidays, y’all!



    Originally posted on Phoenix Real Estate Guy. If you are reading this anywhere but inside your RSS feed reader or your email client, the site you are on is guilty of stealing content.

    (c) Copyright Jay Thompson. All Rights Reserved.

    from The Phoenix Real Estate Guy http://ift.tt/2j18S90

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