Monday, November 27, 2017

Revolution and Dystopian Worlds 

Grade 8

Enduring Understandings

  • Historical Fiction requires a skillful selection of information and the creation of characters who tell an accurate and believable story.
  • Personal stories of change provide insight into the impact of major historical events on the lives of individuals.
  • Effective communication requires a sense of audience and purpose.
  • Some days and events in history are more significant than others.
  • Revolutions have positive and negative consequences for different groups of people over time.
  • Individuals have the power to change society.


Essential Questions:

  • Why do some things change over time while others remain the same?
  • Why are some days and events more important than others?
  • How does audience and purpose affect the way we communicate?
  • How does hearing an individual's story shape our perspective of history?
  • How do we find out what happened in the past?
  • How do individuals change society?
  • Are revolutions inevitable?
  • What causes people to revolt?
  • How can abuse of power be avoided?

from Finalsite Academy News

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