Thursday, February 1, 2018

How often should I wash my hair?

How often should I wash my hair?

For women a good rules is 2-4 times a week depending on you hair type and activity level. If you a avid runner who sweats a lot then more than a person who has less physical activity in their normal schedule. But as important is… 

When I wash my hair, how many times should I wash my hair? This is very important because the first wash is to remove the majority of the dirt and oil produced by you glands and the second or third wash preps you hair to accept you styling products. If your hair isn’t clean then you may have problems styling your hair and tend to OVER use hair styling products. This can be wasteful and frustrating.

Men typically wash their hair when they shower so that can be everyday. People who wash everyday can have different issues such as dry scalp or hair. People who don’t wash on a regular basis can have issues such as oily hair and scalp, dry scalp and combination hair such as itchy scalp and oily hair, thinning hair, hair loss amount other problems.


When choosing a shampoo ask your self a few questions.

Do I color my hair? What type of hair do I have? Curly, Wavy, Straight, Course, Fine, Etc. Ask you stylist to recommend a shampoo or conditioner and ask them to use them on you next time you get a haircut or color/highlight. This is the best way to experience how the products will react to you hair tarp and actual hair type. Men… that means you too! You may not color your hair but you may wash frequently and experience scalp issues that women do not. Ask you stylist for a recommendation. Stylist at Bowie Salon and Spa are trained to be your advocate so this should be a normal occurrence with out the obligation to buy. We know you are smart and savvy so we understand trust is everything!

If you have a question please call, text 206-568-3300 or email us:

info @ bowiesalonandspa .com

You can find all our products on our online store

from Bowie Salon and Spa

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