Saturday, February 24, 2018

Men’s Grooming Tips

Featuring Scott McHugh from Bowie Salon and Spa and Harry’s Shave Club


I don’t spend a lot of time getting ready in the morning usually 20 minutes but I do care about how I look. That means a shower, shave, styling my hair and dressing myself. The more thought I can put into preparing to get ready the easy it is and the better I look. That means good planning and execution.

First get a good haircut!!! If you have a bad haircut you look bad and cheap. That’s not going to impress anyone.

Next buying good grooming products that work well and smell good and buying clothes that go together so I don’t walk out of the house looking ridiculous is very important to looking good and making a great impression. This also means getting the sign of approval of my wife Stacie. I may love that old concert shirt and have fond memories of looking like a bas ass but if she thinks it looks bad, it stays on the draw. If a cologne smells like bug spray… she’ll let me know but when things go right, she’ll either let me know and get close or say nothing which means I’m doing ok.

I’ve read that men have an average of 20 products in their medicine cabinet. So I decided to place every product that I use in the morning on the counter after I used it to get ready this morning and this is what I use. 

I turns out I use 10 products everyday in my grooming routine plus 5 tools to help in dental hygiene, 2 different tooth brushes manual and SonicCare plus a Waterpik (not pictured) and GUM flossers plus charcoal powder for teeth whitening.

My Products list:

Acca KappaWhite Moss Foam shaving cream, tooth paste, deodorant

Tom Ford – cologne “Oud Wood” $230-$312 Nordstrom

RepechageSeaweed Body Cream $34.

Shu UemuraShape Paste $38

Harry’s Shave Club Razor

I was contacted by Harry’s Shave Club the other day and they shared their tips on shaving titled “Common shaving mistakes & how to avoid them”


A few of the tips that I thought were particularly useful was:

1. prepping the skin/hair appropriately.

2. Improperly navigating your grain pattern.

3. Using soap or body wash when you’re out of shaving products may seem like a good idea but it isn’t. They stop the skin of moisture and can traumatize the skin.

I been using Harry’s razors for about a year now and I really like them. They work well and I always have a fresh razor to use which prevents razor burn. And if I feel I have enough, I can log onto the website and push out my order until I need them and want the subscription razors to arrive.


from Bowie Salon and Spa

1 comment:

  1. Grooming isn’t just related with hair styling however it contains every one of the exercises related to mold, fashion or styling. Women, as well as men, need an alluring look by which they can without much of a stretch inspire somebody to themselves. Read more..
