Thursday, May 24, 2018

ARMLS Introducing New Features and Pricing

ARMLS seems to understand that the real estate business is not a “one size fits all” kind of business. As an organization with nearly 40,000 members, they deal with people who run their business in many different ways. From mega-agents and teams who practice at a very high level, to part-time agents who rarely sell something to a relative or co-worker at the Wal-Mart, and anything in-between, agent productivity levels vary greatly.

Currently, subscribers pay $324 per year to the Arizona Regional Multiple Listing Service, and that option is NOT going to change. IF an agent wants to continue with the current level of service and current pay period than they have right now, they can do so. IF an agent wants to use any or ALL of the new tools they are offering, the new annual fee will be $504 per year. That’s a difference of $15.00 per month. (on an annual basis)

For the (optional) additional $180.00 per year, there will be three different and unbranded cloud suite products available along with a product called Remine and a product called Rapid Stat. Rapid Stat is interesting in that it was actually built by ARMLS. This product is a statistical tool and is only available via this “service bundle.” We hope to have more information about Rapid Stat very soon, as I believe it could be a very cool tool for us as real estate agents. We are told that you will log in to your dashboard to use any and all of the services you are paying for.

If you choose not to use any of the new products, your bill will remain unchanged and the current products available to you will not change.

Training classes and webinars will begin immediately, and we’ll be seeing much more information about these new offerings right away.

ARMLS training center

The idea of a consumption-based model for people who like to pick and choose different optons just might be a way to keep both spectrums of the real estate community happy. OK, so, you’ll never keep 40,000 real estate agents happy, but at least they are trying. I am certain that there will be people who hate the idea and I’m pretty sure there will be people who think it is just swell.

Remine is one of the new bundle options being offered by our MLS provider. This allows for some very interesting looking data mining options along with providing “predictive analysis” of consumer data. Probably worth a closer look. Here’s a video from when another MLS started offering it as a member benefit. Take a look.

As a recap… The new products will be available right away, and agents will have the option of using them or not. The thought behind making these products available this way appears to be a “consumption based” model. As stand alone products, they would cost much more than the total of $15.00 per month. Each agent has the option of using one or all of the products for the same flat fee, but the agents who choose not to use any of them will not be charged for their use. It will be interesting to see how people react to this model. Would they prefer that ALL agents be charged a little more for their annual dues so the cost is lower and spread amongst all of us? Will future additions be rolled out this way? I’m sure ARMLS will hear many opinions. Feel free to leave yours in the comments below! 🙂

Here’s another video from an MLS tech fair that talks about what Remine has to offer. Give it a click, it’s pretty interesting.

Please note: We are NOT affilaited (other than being members) with the Arizona Regional Multiple Listing Service. If you have specific questions concerning your MLS bill, the fees you pay for service, product information, etc, please contact them directly.

**Please note, this post will be updated soon as we expect to have much more information in the coming day, or so.

    Originally posted on Phoenix Real Estate Guy. If you are reading this anywhere but inside your RSS feed reader or your email client, the site you are on is guilty of stealing content.

    (c) Copyright Jay Thompson. All Rights Reserved.

    from The Phoenix Real Estate Guy

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