Thursday, December 7, 2017

Introducing Koen Breckin Smith

Thanks for checking out today's post. After reading I'd love to hear your thoughts on the comments by clicking here ---> Introducing Koen Breckin Smith

my cap is in the wash newborn onesie

Our new little super baby!

I’m about six weeks late in writing this post, but I want to officially introduce all of our blog readers to Noah and Jaxten’s new baby brother, Koen Breckin Smith!

brothers holding new born baby

The boys love their new little brother!

It doesn’t seem like that long ago that we were welcoming into the world our second child, Jaxten, but here we are with our third bundle of joy…and he is awesome!

big brother with down syndrome family picture

Our family of five!

It is such a blessing being a parent. There is nothing like the moment when you’re handed your child for the first time.

father with newborn son in the delivery room

Me holding Koen just minutes after he was delivered!

We are home from the hospital and the boys are doing well. It’s fun watching the boys play with each other and seeing the love they already have their new baby brother. The boys are so sweet with him!

Im the lil bro oneise

We’re thankful for this “lil bro!”

A 2018 Goal

I spend more of my time sharing moments on our Facebook and Instagram accounts, but I hope to get back to sharing our story on this blog as we move into 2018! I miss sharing our story here and connecting with our readers, and I’m looking forward to getting back to both of those soon.

You just finished reading Introducing Koen Breckin Smith on Noah's Dad! I'd love to hear what you think, please take a second to click on the link above and leave a comment. Thanks for being awesome! :)

from Noah's Dad

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