Thursday, July 19, 2018

How To Get Your Offer Accepted – Buyer Love Letter

In this crazy competitive Phoenix real estate market it’s challenging for a seller to distinguish your offer from the fray.  I recently had a listing receive 7 offers within 24 hours.  They were all so similar it was ridiculous.  I ran net sheets for the sellers so they’d know what their bottom line would be with each and 5 of them were within $200 once everything was said and done.  How do you pick one?

Enter the Buyer Love Letter.  I’ve had clients write a letter to the seller many times over the last several years and it frequently is mentioned when we get an accepted offer.  I just had a first time buyer get an accepted offer, in part, by using a letter to the seller.

A Buyer Love Letter is basically a letter to the sellers telling them a little about the buyer and why this home is THE ONE for the buyers.  It’s helpful to note things about the house that are desirable or ways that the sellers have maintained the home, upgrades they’ve made, etc.  Indicating that the buyer plans to love the home and take care of it as the seller has.  Compliment the seller and try to make a personal connection.  Not only does it make your offer stand out but it also helps the seller realize that you’re committed to your offer and seeing the contract through to completion.  It helps them to see you as humans with housing needs and wants similar to their own.

Note – I’ve seen it go too far.  Don’t be weird about it, OK?  I had a client I was working with (we parted ways and didn’t complete a transaction) who decided to bake cookies and deliver them to the sellers.  Sweet idea maybe but the sellers felt that was over the top and a little creepy.  Not recommended.

Looking to buy or sell a home? We can help!  We’d love to help you navigate the Phoenix area real estate market and help represent you so you get the best deal whether you’re buying or selling.  You can reach me at 480.560.7255 or

    Originally posted on Phoenix Real Estate Guy. If you are reading this anywhere but inside your RSS feed reader or your email client, the site you are on is guilty of stealing content.

    (c) Copyright Jay Thompson. All Rights Reserved.

    from The Phoenix Real Estate Guy

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