Thursday, July 19, 2018

We Got The (REBCX) Band Back Together

It’s hard to believe that the very first RE BarCamp was ten years ago. Looking back, it is one of the best conferences that I have ever attended. It created a movement. It created friendships, it made us think. Many of us that were there ten years ago are still thinking… And still doing cool things.

Sure, a LOT of things are different, but many are exactly the same. Relationships, the desire to be better at our craft, the desire to share information freely with people who make a difference in the lives of others. These are some of the things that bar camp stands for.

Thanks to the efforts of many of the people who put on the very first Real Estate Bar Camp, there was a REBCX this past Monday in San Francisco and it was glorious. Sure, much of the day felt like old home week. We laughed, we embraced, we talked about where we have been, where we are and where we will go. There was an amazing feeling to a day that is hard to explain.

REBCX – We Got The Band Back Together:

REBCX San Francisco

If you are not familiar with what a Real Estate Bar Camp is, this post will probably make absolutely NO sense to you. If you are a fan, you will hopefully appreciate what this 10 year anniversary tribute meant to so many people.

REBCX San Francisco REBCSF 2008

Personally, I’d like to thank everyone involved in making this happen and I’d like to thank everyone who attended. While it was awesome to see SO many great friends in attendance, it was also great to meet people from near and far. People from the east coast, hawaii, Australia and all over the US were in attendance! One of the most interesting conversations I had was with my new frend from Australia who explalined to me a lot of the differences in the US real estate business vs the Aussie real estate business. It was fascinating stuff, for sure!

OK, There WAS a Bar:


REBCX San Francisco

After REBCX, many of us did walk down the street and continued our conversations at an actual bar. Believe it or not, some of my very best friends in the real estate business are people I have met because of the RE Bar Camp that I attended 10 years ago this week. These people continue to be inspirational to me as well as being great sources of knowledge that I lean on quite often. Obviously, not all of the people i know from bar camps could make it to this 10 year reunion and that’s ok. They were missed but, they will continue to be a part of an amazing group of friends that I have made from North to South and from east to West.

Personally, I am already looking forward to REBCXX. Hopefully, I’ll see you there…


    Originally posted on Phoenix Real Estate Guy. If you are reading this anywhere but inside your RSS feed reader or your email client, the site you are on is guilty of stealing content.

    (c) Copyright Jay Thompson. All Rights Reserved.

    from The Phoenix Real Estate Guy

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