Friday, March 10, 2017

This week in Phoenix #2

Welcome to the second edition of this week in Phoenix. Here is what is going on this week.

Who needs Disney when you have Casa Grande?
A Florida company is looking to turn Casa Grande into Orlando. The company is looking to build a 1500 acre complex that it compares to Disney World Orlando. The project would take 10-years to fully complete and would include an indoor recreational facility, water parks, a wildlife animal exhibit, restaurants and an amusement park. Let’s see how that does in July and August.

Our resident Disney Expect (ask for Shar) says “Cool, but nothing compares with Disney.”

Surprise! Ottawa University is coming to town.
We have had some University growth in Central and the East Valley areas over the last few years including Benedictine U. in Mesa. Now Ottawa University is looking to get in on the fun, but they are looking at Surprise as a home for their new campus. If you live in the West Vally, this project may be something to keep an eye on.

Looking to remodel, here is some advice on home decor trends that some think need to go away
The Phoenix New Times has ten home decor trends that they think need to die. While there are some good ideas on this list, granite and stainless steel are still popular and are not going anywhere soon. Granite is still king.

Land sales continue steady improvement
Even after the housing market continued to rebound after the housing collapse, land stayed stagnant for years. Land sales are still slow, but they are moving in the right direction. 2016 saw a slow but steady increase in land sales and 2017 will likely see the same. People are still moving here, and with more and more jobs coming this way, land will likely continue upwards. One thing we will see is more of a shift from multi-family to single-family.

Arizona is not the easiest place to be a first time home buyer, not the hardest either
A new list ranks the 50 states in order of how expensive it is to become a first-time home buyer, and Arizona ranks right in the middle at 24 out of 50. We still see several cities in the Phoenix market with a housing supply of under three months, which makes it a strong Seller’s market with increasing home values.

Daylight savings time, are you with me?
Daylight savings time is this weekend. Why do we care? We don’t change our clocks. But if you have been here a few years now, you know why we care. When I moved here ten years ago, I was excited not to have to worry about changing clocks and oversleeping. I make fun of my friends back east who need to do this and tell them what a waste it is. And it is. But, while it is easier two days a year for us, I think the rest of the year it is harder for us. After all, with everyone else changing I have to stop often and think, are we California time right now or Colorado time right now? So daylight savings is coming this weekend and we will be going from Colorado time to California time.


The Coyotes are still looking for a home.

And the city of Glendale is blaming the Yotes for the financial issues.

Do you spend a lot of time at Sky Harbor? If so do you agree with this? Sky Harbor is ranked #2 for airport food in the US.


St Patrick’s Day is coming, 10 places to eat/drink.

Ostriches are back in Chandler this weekend.

Looking to get an initiative on the ballot? Arizona looks to change the rules on how to get ballot access.

Companies continue to move to the Phoenix metro area.


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    Originally posted on Phoenix Real Estate Guy. If you are reading this anywhere but inside your RSS feed reader or your email client, the site you are on is guilty of stealing content.

    (c) Copyright Jay Thompson. All Rights Reserved.

    from The Phoenix Real Estate Guy

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