Tuesday, April 10, 2018

GDPR – what to do as an independent SLT

This is a rather different post from usual today.  People often ask us to post more about running an independent speech therapy practise.  This post is about a very specific but very important thing many independent SLTs are dealing with at the moment, alongside all other businesses in the EU – GDPR.  This post contains affiliate links.

You may have heard of GDPR, as it has been on the news recently.  GDPR stands for General Data Protection Regulations and it is a new law in the EU that comes into force on 25th May governing how we collect and process personal data.  This includes information such as names, addresses, email addresses, medical information – basically all the information we collect as speech and language therapists.  So it’s important for us to know about it.

If you are like us, you have felt very out of your depth with this.  Of course we all take data protection very seriously and follow our professional guidance about note-writing, keeping data safe etc. but it is difficult to know how this fits in with GDPR.  None of us are lawyers and most of us can’t afford to hire a lawyer either!  We were even more worried about it, as owning this website brings up lots more GDPR questions, than just running an independent speech therapy practice does.

Then we found Suzanne Dibble.  She is a lawyer who is offering affordable resources to help small businesses and sole traders to navigate their way through the GDPR minefield.  She offers a fantastic free checklist which is really useful for working out what you need to do, and a pack that you can buy which gives you templates for policies etc.  It’s not listed when you read about the pack, but this also now includes a specific policy for therapists which you can use if you buy the pack and own the copyright.

Since we have found this really helpful, we thought we would share it with you all in case you find it useful tpp.  The links below are affiliate links which mean that if you were to decide to buy through one of these links we would get a small amount of money.  It doesn’t cost you any more.  However, we are not sharing it to make money but just because we thought others might find it handy.

You can download Suzanne’s free checklist by clicking on this link.

You can buy the pack by clicking on this link.

Obviously this is not our site and we don’t hold responsibility for any information given once you click on the links.  However, she seems to know her stuff and we found it useful so thought we would share!

The post GDPR – what to do as an independent SLT appeared first on Speechbloguk.

from Speechbloguk https://ift.tt/2EA98Uk

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