Monday, April 9, 2018

Goodbye ARMLS Hello New Era of Phoenix MLS

Is it time to say Goodby ARMLS and welcome a new kid in town? Well, kind of…

This morning, it was announced that The Arizona Regional Multiple Listing Service has formed a joint venture with Metro MLS out of Wisconsin. Who?? Metro MLS is the largest MLS in Wisconsin with more than 72oo members. More than 90% of the freezing cold homes listed in Wisconsin are displayed through them via Flexmls. As you know, Flexmls was announced to the Phoenix market in 2007.   Kind of interesting, isn’t it? This will certainly raise a lot of questions from many agents in both markets.

Why the need for a ‘strategic joint venture??
Is this a trend in the industry?
Does it have anything to do with the failed statewide MLS attempt back in 2011?
What will it be called?

OK, so those are just a few of the early questions as the ink is barely dry on the press release.

We are hearing that there’s a LOT of similarities between ARMLS and Metro MLS.

Goodbye ARMLS

Hopefully, we can get some people from AAR, SEVRAR, PAR, WEMAR, SAAR, etc to chime in below and give their opinions as to what this may mean for us, as agents, if anything. You KNOW these things are always a seemless process, right?

Here are a few tidbits from what we hear so far. Shamelessly, I used cut and paste to take a few things from their joint FAQ page.

Take a look and let us know what you think!

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)


Is This A Merger / Take-Over?
No. It’s a joint venture where both MLSs will maintain local presences. With technological progress, it is now possible for our MLSs to benefit from shared scale, services, and funding without the necessity of sharing a border. Our MLSs will remain independent while exploring areas of collaboration on common products and services.

Will Arizona Agents (ARMLS) Have Metro MLS Data?
No, but it may be possible in the future for agents who are licensed in both states to access both MLSs in one system.

I find this interesting, for sure. As this happens more and more in different markets, we will continue to see a recent trend grow. That’s a trend of agents / teams expanding into new markets.

Can Other MLSs Join?
Perhaps. In the future other MLSs that share a similar DNA and vision might join. The possibilities of the joint venture are boundless.

To me, this screams, “We are already working on it.

What Are the Benefits to Me For This Collaboration?
While we are early in understanding this new relationship and know that some changes will be behind-the-scenes, we expect to announce exciting benefits. For example the future could hold:

  • A simplification of the Rules & Regulations
  • Expanded support hours
  • The ability to access products not yet available locally
  • Behind-the-scenes efficiencies
  • Improved data quality on public records data
  • Superb new user experience to access public records data using Monsoon and WIREdata
  • Facilitation and simplification of data access agreements and data feeds
  • Improved Single Sign On (SSO) capability (a technology that allows MLS users to move between the MLS and affiliated programs without having to continually login)

If there’s one thing that remains constant, it is change. This one should be interesting to watch.

I don’t know much about our MLS friends in Wisconsin, but I do know we have some super-smart people here at ARMLS.

So, we say goodbye ARMLS and we certainly wish all of us well with this new strategicthe partnership. We know you’ll always keep things interesting around here…

Maybe we call it hot and cold MLS?

    Originally posted on Phoenix Real Estate Guy. If you are reading this anywhere but inside your RSS feed reader or your email client, the site you are on is guilty of stealing content.

    (c) Copyright Jay Thompson. All Rights Reserved.

    from The Phoenix Real Estate Guy

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